⭐️ AlchemyCoin CEO Justin Jung at Security Token Academy two-day event

Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin
Published in
1 min readOct 8, 2018

Our CEO Justin Jung had an awesome time at the Security Token Academy two-day event last week in New York City. The two-day event featured commentary from top experts in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries.

It was such a distinct honor to attend alongside such blockchain luminaries including:

  • David Weild: Former NASDAQ Vice Chairman and CEO of Weild & Co.
  • Fabian Vogelsteller: Creator of the ERC20 token standard
  • Jeremy Allaire: Founder, Chairman & CEO of Circle
  • G. Daniel Doney: Co-founder and CEO of Securrency
  • Mason Borda: CEO of Tokensoft
  • Daniel Coheur: Chief Strategy Officer of Tokeny
  • Ryan Feit: CEO of SeedInvest, equity crowdfunding platform connecting startups with investors
  • Gautam Gujral: General Counsel and Co-founder of Vertalo
  • Oscar Jofre: Co-founder & President/CEO of KoreConX
  • Jor Law, Co-founder of Verify Investor, LLC
  • Howard Marks: CEO of StartEngine, a leading equity crowdfunding platforms
  • Tomohiro Nakamura: CTO of AnyPay, a new Dash POS system
  • Cliff Pace: Head of the Malta Stock Exchange Fintech Accelerator Programme, designed to support fintech and crypto startups
  • Scott Purcell: CEO and Chief Trust Officer of Prime Trust
  • Jonathan Weibrecht: Director of Real Estate Capital Markets at security token platform Harbor



Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin

One of the First Security Token that is being backed by TDOs (Tokenized Debt Obligations) https://alchemycoin.io/