AlchemyCoin key ally — LDJ Capital, David Drake

Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2018

In business, as in life, loyalty is a fine treasure.

Few people have been such loyal allies of Alchemy Coin as my dear friend David Drake, who heads LDJ Capital.

Anytime I have a question about the industry, need a door opened, have a contact I need to make at a conference or for a podcast, I call David. And he picks up the phone and tries his level best to help me.

I was very happy to see him at Security Token Academy in New York last week where we caught up on all kinds of exciting blockchain trends. His willingness and ability to connect me to important people who can rally the Alchemy Coin cause never ceases to amaze me.

David is a disruptor; so, too, is Alchemy Coin. Disruptors aren’t always welcome guests at every party as the status quo has a way of always trying to show us the door before we can get started. David perseveres, and Alchemy Coin is following his lead in this regard. We have important work to do. We will not be deterred. We want to make a positive impact on the world. David is a key ally on our journey.



Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin

One of the First Security Token that is being backed by TDOs (Tokenized Debt Obligations)