For Student, finance is an obviously an important factor in the application process and it is undeniable.

Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2018

A study done by the times found that there are more students from the top 1% than the bottom 60%.
This s a problem not in 1, not in 5, not in 10, but 38 colleges, 5 of which Ivy Leagues (Dartmouth, Princeton, Yale, Penn, and Brown)! Now you are probably wondering how close the percentages are, well here is a 5 college snapshot: (top 1% vs bottom 60%)

1) Washington University in St. Louis — 21.7% vs 6.1%
2) Colorado College — 24.2% vs 10.5%
3) Washington and Lee University — 19.1% vs 8.4%
4) Colby College 20.4% vs 11.1%
5) Tufts University 18.6% vs 11.8%

These aren’t even close! Finance is an obviously an important factor in the application process and it is undeniable. Colleges are business at the end of the day and they want to make sure they bring the best students who can also pay the bill. Cost of college has been rising at a ridiculous rate. Federal grants and student aid, simply haven’t kept up. Private donations have helped narrow the gap, but it can’t nor should it make up for lack of government support. There are so many kids in the lower/ middle-income bracket are qualified to get in based on academia but simply lack the financial requirement. They aren’t looking for a handout either, just a hand up.



Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin

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