How US Student Debt Made Me an Entrepreneur

Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2018

The start of Bitcoin can be linked to the collapse of Lehman Brothers, AIG, Bear Stearns, etc. For someone who was 12 at the time like the CEO of Alchemy Coin, Justin Jung it wasn’t something of importance back in 2008. However, after personal experiences in college at Penn State and reading dozens of books on the financial crisis of 2008 it has become his main focus. How to rebuild trust and credibility between borrowers and lenders, because banks for sure have lost it.

Curious to read more about why such a young individual like Justin Jung is looking to tackle the student debt issue, check out the full feature on Blockanics, a peer to peer blockchain resource website.

A short excerpt from the feature:
“I think it’s a myth that young borrowers aren’t creditworthy, but rather they’re denied access to credit because of the FICO scoring system that requires a long history or debt repayment. And yet, how can a young borrower develop that successful debt repayment history if they’ve been denied access to credit their entire life? This doesn’t make any sense”

Really appreciate the opportunity to get Alchemy Coins CEO voice heard and look forward to delivering a revolutionary solution.

#bitcoin #blockchain #blockanics #P2PLending #finance #lenders#borrowers



Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin

One of the First Security Token that is being backed by TDOs (Tokenized Debt Obligations)