Solving the access to capital for education

Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2018

Solving the access to capital for education is something Alchemy is looking to tackle. Even though financial aid is possible through grants and donations, that is a band-aid on an epidemic. The number of people that need help can’t solely be solved through financial aid and donations. Even if the tuition problem was solved, college is a lot more expensive than just tuition, and sometimes people need a helping hand at an affordable rate simply for books, food, student activities, etc.

It is important to realize, it is a global competition to educate and place citizens in top paying jobs. Giving talented youth from all income classes access to proper education regardless of financials, they had little control over, will help the country compete against the world.

Applicants who deserve an affordable quality education benefits all parties involved. The individual gets an education and the college gets better applicants, increase average graduate income, and builds their brand. On a macro level, the country benefits, since college is now a necessity to get any high paying job. US citizens are going to keep falling behind in the job market and living in perpetual debt unless it makes education more accessible and affordable like the rest of the world.



Alchemy Coin
Alchemy Coin

One of the First Security Token that is being backed by TDOs (Tokenized Debt Obligations)