One Battle After Another

Alcis Stories
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2019

Conflict, Flooding and Toxic Waste in Northern Syria

Figure 1 — Future site for Al Arisha IDP Camp

Since the conflict in Syria began, tree felling has become a necessity in order to provide firewood for homes. The illegal production of charcoal has also led to mass deforestation across the north of the country. Following heavy rainfall and a harsh winter, much of Northern Syria has experienced severe flooding in recent months.

Figure 2 — Camp shown situated between oil refineries

As a consequence of the conflict, over 10,000 displaced Syrians found themselves living in the Arisha IDP camp, located between three makeshift oil refineries. The combination of bad weather and poor siting has forced the residents of Arisha to move again as rising flood waters wash away parts of the camp.

Figure 3 — New camp location and flooding extent

Adding to the risk are the toxic waste products from the oil refineries, now contaminating the flood water and compounding the hazard. Yet another danger to the many already experienced by the people of Arisha.

Figure 4 — Flood comparison

Alcis will continue to monitor change over time at locations of interest through the use of high resolution satellite imagery, ground data collection and other geospatial data.

