Welcome to Alcohol-Free with EFT

Welcome and thank you so much for landing on the intro of my publication today.

As I would do if I were meeting you in real life for the first time, I’d like to introduce myself first. My name is Ilaria Novak. I am a Therapeutic Coach, an Advanced EFT Practitioner and a Breathwork Facilitator. And I have been happily alcohol-free for a number of years.

I am very fond of this platform. I have come to see it as a nest in the middle of a whirlwind where I have been lucky to find some voices that have many interesting things to say and share with all of us, whatever their message is, because it’s the intention behind it that matters to me the most. And that, I feel, comes from a really good place.

I enjoy immensely reading what other people have to say about how they got sober, and the experiences and lessons they have learnt along the way. Everyone’s sobriety journey is different, but like all human experience, it is woven by universal emotions, struggles and realisations, and it can be reassuring and heart-warming to find similarities between how we all got there.

I am not going to write about my sobriety journey on this publication because I have already told my story on Tiny Buddha. Here is the link if any of you is interested in having a look. Thanks to all of you, though, I have been inspired to use this space to share how my experience of using EFT — Emotional Freedom Techniques (also known as “tapping”) — has helped me in the process of stopping drinking, the ways I have used this tool to maintain my sobriety and how it can be a therapeutic modality that other people can benefit from as well.

Thank you all for inspiring me, thanks in advance to everyone who will stop and read, and I hope you will find some of this content useful.

With love & gratitude, Ilaria.

Thank you for reading and please feel free to join me on Instagram. I’d love to connect with you.



Ilaria Novak
Alcohol Free with EFT — Tap Into Your Sober Rebel

Ilaria is a Therapeutic Coach & Accredited EFT Practitioner. She helps people who struggle with addiction, stress, anxiety and trauma at www.soberrebel.co.uk .