Building Accessibility and Inclusivity into Arcturus, our Design System

Pete Wilkinson
Alcumus Design
Published in
5 min readDec 11, 2023

Welcome, dear readers, to a magical journey into the enchanting realm of design where accessibility isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the key to unlocking a wonderland of possibilities for users of all abilities. In this whimsical adventure, we’ll delve into the heart of design systems, where rainbows of inclusivity arch gracefully over every pixel, and the compass guiding us bears the mark of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Picture this: a digital wonderland where every user, regardless of ability, can navigate, understand, and engage with the web’s tapestry. As we step into this realm, we’ll uncover the secrets of our quest to create a design system that not only dances with creativity but waltzes gracefully with accessibility. So, fasten your seatbelts — err, fairy wings — and let’s embark on a journey to ensure all Alcumus digital products are not only aesthetically pleasing but a joy for everyone to explore!

POURing over the details

Allow me to present the protagonist of this narrative — Arcturus.

Arcturus functions as the design system for Alcumus, encompassing vital design elements, UI components, and patterns that effortlessly bridge the realms of Product Designers and Developers.

With formalities out of the way, let’s get comfortable as our journey commences, establishing the guiding principles — the POUR Principles.

The WCAG provides a set of guidelines for successful and accessible interfaces organised around four principles, often referred to as POUR. These are:

  • Perceivable: Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive, whether through sight, hearing, or other senses.
  • Operable: User interface components and navigation must be operable, allowing users to interact with and navigate the content.
  • Understandable: Information and operation of the user interface must be understandable to users.
  • Robust: Content must be robust enough that it can be reliably interpreted by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.

But why, I hear you ask, are the POUR principles important? Why are we driven to ensure colours, typography, components and patterns created for Arcturus, meet these principles?

Put simply, POUR is the key to universal accessibility. They ensure that digital products are perceivable by all users, accommodating diverse abilities. Operability guarantees seamless interaction, making our products user-friendly for everyone. Understandability promotes clarity, aiding users in comprehending and navigating the interface easily. Robustness ensures the adaptability of our components and patterns to various technologies, safeguarding against obsolescence.

While laws and business benefits propel us forward, our primary drive is the belief that everyone deserves an equal digital experience. It’s not just about following standards; it’s about crafting an enchanting — and accessible — journey for all users.

Unlocking digital doors for all

Following the POUR principles is commendable, but the magic lies in applying them to our product framework. Each principle is a treasure chest brimming with accessibility gems. Here is just a glimpse into some of the aspects we consider when expanding or refining elements of Arcturus.

Perceivable Design:

  • Visual and Auditory Inclusivity: We prioritise screen reader compatibility, ensuring that content is accessible audibly for users with visual impairments.
  • Colour Contrast: Our colour palette has sufficient contrast, benefiting users with visual impairments or colour blindness. This not only enhances readability but also ensures information is conveyed effectively for an expanded range of contexts.
The Arcturus squad makes use of Eightshape’s fantastic Contrast Grid to test and refine our colour palette’s contrast

Operable Design:

  • Keyboard Navigation: We aim for our products to be operable through keyboard navigation alone, allowing users who rely on keyboards or alternative input devices to navigate without friction.
Our components and patterns have extensive documentation on keyboard interactions and flows.

Understandable Design:

  • Consistent Interaction: We ensure that interactive elements consistently behave as expected, reducing cognitive load and making the interface more understandable for users with diverse cognitive abilities.

Robust Design:

  • Support of Assistive Technologies: By building our components to meet WCAG guidelines, we embrace compatibility with a variety of assistive technologies. This includes screen readers, speech recognition software, and other tools that users may rely on for an enhanced digital experience.

Continuous Accessibility improvement

Accessibility isn’t a static destination — it’s a dynamic and constantly moving target.

Our continuous accessibility improvement efforts align seamlessly with the broader experience principles upheld by the Alcumus Design Team. These principles, interwoven with POUR, fortify the quality of digital experiences for our customers:

We put people at the heart of everything:

  • Sharing work with diverse team members fosters inclusivity and accessibility. Regular feedback loops ensure that the human experience remains at the forefront of our design decisions.

We are familiar:

  • Consistent terminology, language, and design patterns are not static — they evolve. Our commitment to familiarity extends to adapting these elements based on user feedback and changing mental models.

We keep it simple:

  • Our dedication to simplicity extends beyond initial component or pattern creation. Continuous engagement with our users ensures that our products remain easy to use, intuitive, and accessible.

The work is never truly done, and the path to accessibility is an ever-unfolding journey. We acknowledge that there’s always room for improvement. With each iteration, Arcturus becomes not just a design system but a living testament to our dedication to crafting digital products accessible to all.


As our journey through the mystical landscape of Arcturus, our enchanting design system, draws to a close, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of accessibility. The POUR principles, our guiding stars, illuminate our path as we strive to infuse every pixel with the essence of inclusivity.

Why do we embark on this journey, you may wonder? It’s more than compliance; it’s a belief that everyone deserves the same experience. The POUR principles safeguard universal accessibility, ensuring our digital products resonate with users of diverse abilities.

Yet, our adventure doesn’t end here. Woven into the fabric of Arcturus are our own experience principles — a constellation of wisdom guiding us. With people at the heart, simplicity as our spell, and continuous improvement as our wand, we pledge to keep the magic alive.

As we bid adieu, remember that Arcturus is not just a design system; it’s a promise. A promise to continuously seek improvement, to embrace inclusivity, and to ensure that our digital wonders are accessible to all who seek the magic within.

