Dreams to Reality!

Two weeks ago, if I had a chance to meet my future self who would somehow just teleport back in time to talk to me, ‘that by today am going to be a programmer in making’, I wouldn’t believe her!

Veronica Michael
3 min readMay 17, 2019


The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. — DaVinci

I was always amazed by programming and coding. At some point, it felt like magic and always desired to learn programming and coding but somehow didn’t put much attention to it. It was until I met these awesome bunch of people who just made me realize, that my dream is folding into a reality.

so I had a chance to join the #ALCwithForLoop (Andela + For loop) The key to this awesome journey we started the program and everything was fun but hey here’s the cliche’ i was so damn late and I had my pc which was just given to me by a good friend, this pc’s language was in Germany!! things couldn’t get any better! Good thing I got help from a lot of good people and we had to install a new window since it didn’t have any language packs. so I got everything I needed for the program all the necessary programs. I got home to an email for an assignment the first assignment that was due Sunday midnight. Remember I have no background about whats so ever. I was almost In tears!!

This was me trying to figure out how am going to do it!

I felt so small and tiny,

To be honest I had no idea what to do. But thanks to friends and youtube tutorials and I made it!!

And now am in the third week in the program still alive and growing and am loving everything we are doing! And this is us in week two,

Week two session.

on our way to week 3!

“When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” — Davinci

So here I am now on my way to my third week, Am all excited! Its tough work but it’s worth it!

#the only way is up!

So the first assignment was for us to make an app called fake codes and people nailed it. Then the second for that week we created UI templates on HTML, CSS, and javascript . And we were required to make a carpooling App it was called Ride My Way. Then were to commit, make repositories, and pull requests on GitHub.

But What have I Learnt so far, you askask?h , wait a minute, let me explain a little about GitHub,

So GitHub is a platform like Facebook or Instagram but the difference is that on git hub u can share codes for review and discussion or for team or personal use, and when you pull request its when your done and your asking collaborators to go through your project for advice or if you just want a second opinion from people or you have an idea that you don’t know how to go about.


For the third week, we were required to make front end using our for UI’s using HTML, CSS and react. Well, so far it amazes me how much everybody has been supportive of my fellow learners to all our instructors. Am blessed to have you guys. Thank you to you all.

#feeling Blessed

