5 Ways to Invest in the Sun While You Don’t See the Sun

Warmer climates being advantageous when it comes to solar power is a myth that you have to leave behind and move on.

Oyku Ceylan
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2023


Created by DALL-E

If you live in a colder climate, such as the Nordic countries, you may feel that harnessing solar energy is out of reach. After all, where there is little to no direct sunshine, how can solar power be accessed? The good news is that you don’t need to see the sun to reap its benefits! There are multiple ways to invest in solar energy and leverage its potential even when the days are cold and cloudy.

In this blogpost we will discuss 5 forms of solar energy that can be sourced from locations without direct access to sunlight. From Solar PV Panels to Solar Thermal Technology and more, these solutions offer an ideal way for anyone interested in green energy production.

Solar Thermal Technology

Image by Canva

Solar thermal technology uses the sun’s energy to heat a liquid or gas such as water or air. The heated liquid is then circulated through a system of pipes and radiators where it can be used for space heating or hot water production. This type of renewable energy is particularly beneficial for areas with limited access to direct sunlight, as it does not rely on visible radiation from the sun in order to work effectively.

Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)

Image by Canva

CSP systems use mirrors and lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight onto a small area, allowing them to generate higher temperatures than traditional solar panels can achieve. This concentrated solar energy is then converted into electricity using a variety of different technologies, including steam turbines and Stirling engines. In places without sunshine, CSP systems are often paired with existing fossil fuel sources such as natural gas plants in order to ensure continuous power generation throughout the year.

Photovoltaic-Thermal Hybrid Systems

Image by Canva

Photovoltaic-thermal hybrid systems combine both solar PV and thermal technologies into one unit, allowing users to reap the benefits of both forms of renewable energy at once! Using this system, you can produce both electricity and heat from one device — making it perfect for colder climates where multiple sources of energy may be necessary during those long winter months without much sunshine!

Investing in Solar

Image by thelocal.no

Investing in a solar farm or joining a cloud solar abroad can be an ideal way to access solar power without actually having access to the sun! Solar farms are large-scale energy facilities that are specifically designed to harvest and store energy from the sun, making them ideal for colder climates where direct sunlight is limited. By investing in these projects, you can still enjoy the benefits of renewable energy without ever having to step outside into the cold!

Cloud solar is another great solution if you’re looking for ways to invest in clean energy without actually seeing any sunshine. Through cloud solar, you can purchase shares in large-scale renewable energy projects located outside your region. Not only will this help support the growth of green energy production worldwide but it will also give you a stake in its success — allowing you to benefit financially while helping reduce our global carbon footprint at the same time!

Sunlight Harvesting Technology

Image by Flathead Beacon

Sunlight harvesting technology utilizes reflective surfaces placed around buildings that allow indirect sunlight from neighboring rooftops and walls into dark spaces indoors where they would otherwise not receive direct light exposure from outside sources like windows or skylights. By doing so, you can still make use of natural light even when there is no visible sign of actual sunshine outdoors — giving your home an extra source of free energy all year round!

No matter your situation or location, there’s always an option available when it comes to accessing the power of the sun! To get more answers on the topics such as solar investing, eco-awareness and the role of technology in shaping clean energy’s future, stay tuned to ALDO Green and explore the world of sustainability two times a week with us.

