Can I Sell The Excess Energy My Solar Panel Produced?

Yes you can, but here is what you need to know.

Oyku Ceylan
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2023


Image by zstockphotos from Canva

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular way to generate electricity, especially in areas where it’s abundant and can be harnessed easily.

Many homeowners install solar panels to their roofs to take advantage of this free energy source, but what do you do with all the excess energy your panels produce? The answer is simple: you can sell the surplus energy.

What is net metering?

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Surplus energy is the excess electricity generated by a solar system that isn’t used immediately. Generally, this occurs when the panels are producing more electricity than the household is consuming. To make use of this extra power, many homeowners choose to sell it back to their local utility company. This process is known as net metering and is becoming increasingly common across the globe.

When selling surplus energy back to the grid via net metering, homeowners are often compensated for their efforts at a rate close to retail electricity prices. This means that homeowners can generate a significant amount of money by selling their excess solar energy back to the grid.

Can I Sell My Surplus Regardless of My Location?

Image by gyro from Getty Images

However, while net metering is becoming increasingly popular, not all states in the US have laws in place that enable it. Additionally, even if your state does allow for net metering, there may be restrictions on how much you can sell back or how long you can do so for.

For other regions and countries of the world, the systems differ a little. To find out more about different countries and their regulations on net metering, stay tuned! We will cover all you need to know, but for now let’s see the state of the US.

Before investing in a solar system and signing up for net metering, be sure to check your state laws first.

What to do if you state doesn’t allow net metering

If your state doesn’t allow for net metering or if you don’t want to go through your utility company for any reason, there are other options available for selling excess energy from your solar panel system. You may be able to find third-party entities who will purchase your extra power or set up an independent microgrid with other nearby households who need access to electricity or heat from renewable sources like solar power.

No matter which option you choose, it’s important to remember that selling surplus energy requires upfront investment and effort before you start seeing returns on your investment — both financially and environmentally!

Additionally, because different states have different laws governing renewable energy sales and consumption, it’s important that you understand the regulations in place before getting started so you don’t run into any issues along the way.

With some research and effort though, selling surplus energy from your solar panel system can be a great way to earn some extra income while helping out the environment!

