Solar Energy Is Cheaper Than You Think

Are you looking for ways to reduce your electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint?

Oyku Ceylan
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2023


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Have you considered solar energy as an option but been put off by the expensive costs of installing solar panels on your roof? Well, you’ll be pleased to know that solar energy isn’t as expensive as you think! In this blog post, we’ll explore the various affordable alternatives to rooftop solar panels and how to keep the cost of rooftop solar panels low. So, let’s get started!

Why Do People Think Solar Energy is Expensive?

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The myth that solar panels are expensive derives from the common misconception that the only way to access solar energy is through rooftop solar panels. While solar panels are the most common way to access solar energy, there are many other affordable options for solar energy available. Solar energy technology has come a long way in recent years and the costs associated with it have decreased significantly. However, there are still some costs associated with rooftop solar panels, such as installation and maintenance, that can make them more expensive than other alternatives.

Cheaper Alternatives to Rooftop Panels,

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One of the most cost-efficient alternatives to rooftop solar panels is leasing solar panels. Solar panel leasing is a great option for those who want to switch to solar energy but don’t want to invest in the upfront cost of installation. Solar panel leasing typically costs around $50-$100 a month, and the solar energy company will take care of all the installation, maintenance, and repairs. This makes it a great option for those with a limited budget who want to switch to solar energy.

Another cost-effective alternative to rooftop solar panels is community solar projects. Community solar projects are initiatives in which multiple households or businesses come together to purchase solar panels and share the electricity generated. This is a great option for those who don’t have the space for rooftop solar panels or those who don’t want to invest in the upfront cost. Community solar projects typically range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the size of the project.

Finally, solar energy can also be accessed through solar energy companies. Solar energy companies purchase solar energy from large solar farms and then sell it to customers at a lower price than conventional electricity. This is a great option for those who want to switch to solar energy but don’t want to install solar panels on their roof or take part in a community solar project. Solar energy companies typically charge around 10–15% less than conventional electricity.

Ways to Make Your Rooftop Panels Less Costly

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If you still don’t want to look outside of your roof and want to go with the method that you know, there are some solutions that can help to reduce the costs of rooftop solar panels too. One way to reduce the cost of installation is to take advantage of government incentives, such as tax credits and rebates. Most states offer incentives for solar energy installations, which can help to significantly cut down on the cost of installation.

Additionally, it’s important to compare quotes from different solar panel installers in order to get the best deal. Doing your research and shopping around can help to ensure that you get the most cost-effective solar panel installation.

At the end, solar energy is really not as expensive as you may think. There are many affordable alternatives to rooftop solar panels and ways to keep the cost of rooftop solar panels low. Whether you choose to lease solar panels, take part in a community solar project, or purchase solar energy from a solar energy company, there are plenty of options for those looking to switch to solar energy without breaking the bank.

