Arrivederci amore, ciao

So this is goodbye

Everything comes to an end

Ale Di Gangi
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2015


There’s no use in grieving over an ending, it is always better to look ahead instead and imagine something else — new good habits, for example.

With 2015 at its end and after two years of work that have seen 29 posts especially done for METABOX and one wonderful exhibition I am proud of as a father, the Verosimile project ends here.
For several months, I have been working on new things and January will see my contribution to METABOX renewed with new stories and new images. Of which, I will talk about in January.

For now, I wish everyone a happy new year. May we leave behind what no longer serves us, taking with gratitude what good of 2015 remains inside each one of us.

I have started working on the book of the VEROSIMILE project. It will include all 29 METABOX posts with reviewed and expanded bilingual texts, all images of the real-life exhibition + some unseen extras. Stay tuned for more news on the final book — in the meanwhile you can check the original real-life exhibition catalogues available as a printed books from Blurb: square format with glossy paper or trade format matte paper (prices start at 13€).
The ebook of the catalogue is available, too, via the Apple iBooks store for the special price of 2.99€.

The painterly work “Arrivederci amore, ciao” was taken with an iPhone then edited using the following apps
Laminar Pro
PS Touch
Image Blender


My painterly artworks are available to purchase in a number of options and prices from RedBubble | Artflakes | Crated | Saatchi Art

This post is the English adaptation of the Italian post Arrivederci amore, ciao, published on METABOX on December 17th, 2015.
See my posts in Italian at METABOX — or find them adapted to English here.



Ale Di Gangi

Florentine, Polaroider, iPhoneographer, videographer and so on and so forth.