Hogar, dulce hogar.

Ale goes to España!
2 min readJan 5, 2014


Today is my third day here in Sevilla and it is already starting to feel like home. It’s weird but even though it is a large city, I don’t feel unsafe walking alone. I live on a pretty busy street. My house is located between among businesses and across from a church.

I had been so busy the past two days that I had not had time to unpack. Today I cut my siesta short and decided to make my room feel homey. My room is simple, bed, desk, dresser. Just like a typical dorm room except that I have it all to myself.

A t-shirt that I saw today, sounds about right —->

If you’re not familiar with what a siesta is, it is a nap. They actually encourage those here! Most businesses close from around 2-5pm to have lunch and spend time with their families as well as to take a short nap. I’ve only been here for a few days but I think I could get used to this life style!

