VIDEO: Alectio explains machine learning in 5 levels of difficulty

Justin Tenuto
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2020

Anyone who’s worked in machine learning or artificial intelligence has probably spent their fair share of time trying to explain just what those concepts actually mean. And whether it was telling a befuddled relative at Thanksgiving or even someone in our own organization, you probably realized that explaining ML or AI can be an uphill battle.

After all, the business press often focuses on machine learning outcomes over practices, fiction focuses on far flung futures instead of the here and now of search or image recognition, and, let’s face it, a lot of machine learning concepts just aren’t that intuitive.

Well, we’re here to help. Starting today, we’re beginning a new video series where we explain complex machine learning concepts in five escalating levels of complexity. We’ll begin each video talking through the rudiments with a kindergartener, move up through teenage, adult, and CS major difficulties, and finally end talking to a peer — or, in this case, a machine learning expert.

The first video in our series? Machine learning itself. We’ve got episodes of active learning and data labeling in the can and will be releasing those next week and the week after that. We hope you enjoy!

If you have any suggestions for videos you’d like to see, please do let us know by leaving a comment. We’re all ears. Until next time!



Justin Tenuto
Editor for

I write about machine learning and artificial intelligence at Alectio (