I’ve Stopped Free-Lance Writing

And Decided To Concentrate on Building This Medium Thing

Aleesha Lauray
3 min readMar 20, 2018
Photo by Stanley Dai on Unsplash

I’d like to think I am pretty creative.

As a kid, I would sit for hours drawing landscapes, writing stories about foxes in magical forests , or composing my own catchy tunes on the piano. But for some reason, when it comes naming a business, my imagination fails me.

I started this publication yesterday.

I wanted to make one when I initially started writing on Medium but I didn’t know what to call it. I always get stuck on that part, so I’ve just started to name things after myself. That’s why my past business was called Lauray Co., my website is my name and now my publication is too.

Over the years it’s become clear the most important thing is to start and not get hung up on things that ultimately aren’t that important.

When I decided to write on Medium daily, I didn’t spend any time researching. I knew I wanted to use Medium as a tool to help grow my brand even though I didn’t know exactly what my brand was.

I didn’t know the best niche to write for, how to best optimize my posts (other than title and tags), or how to quickly grow a following.

