Ways to get funds for homeschooling in different states

Alena’s Journal
Published in
20 min readMar 22, 2018


Here are tips and advises from experienced homeschoolers to get some extras and help your family budget.




“Allotment depends on services provided by the school and which school district the charter is based. https://education.alaska.gov/alaskan_schools/schooloptions

“Alaska has a lot of different public school homeschooling options. Some are town based and some take students from state-wide. Essentially you enroll in apublic school (or distance learning public school) and can buy things with the allotment or be reimbursed. It is considered homeschooling by the state (you’ll see people who say that this isn’t homeschooling, but AK defines it as homeschooling. You can also homeschool without an allotment or any oversight if you wish.) In our case, the supervision required is monthly contact and 4 X per year work samples. In some districts, particularly those with a lot of fishing families, the kids can go in and out of public/homeschooling very easily. In our town, for example, kids have been allowed to homeschool for the fall and spring and go to public school for the 2nd half of 1st semester and the 1st half of 2nd semester. As I understand it, our school is actually the biggest school in the state — with every kid…

