500 Million ALEPH Tokens Reduction!

Published in
5 min readJul 28, 2020


Aleph.im is excited to announce we are ready to conduct our token supply reduction. On July 31st 2020, 12:00pm GMT+2, our maximum total supply will change from 1 billion ALEPH to 500 million ALEPH. We want to thank the community for their patience this past week as we have been busy solidifying the partnership with FTX-backed Serum Foundation.

In order to conduct the token supply reduction, we are making changes to the current token amounts in 5 of the 6 pools discussed in our prior tokenomics update. Don’t worry though, we will NOT reduce the Incentives Pool. Instead, we will be reducing the remaining pools as evenly as possible to get a 5 year unlocking schedule.

Here are the old pool allocations:

  1. 150M — Innovation Pool
  2. 150M — Marketing Pool
  3. 275M — Company Pool
  4. 275M — Business Development Pool
  5. 100M — Incentive Pool
  6. 50M — NULS Foundation Pool

Below are the new pool allocations:

  1. 50M — Innovation Pool
  2. 60M — Marketing Pool
  3. 150M — Company Pool
  4. 120M — Business Development Pool
  5. 100M — Incentive Pool
  6. 20M — NULS Foundation Pool

1. Innovation Pool (old amount 150 million)

The new amount for this pool will be 50 million (starting at 50 million available, 0.9 million unlocked per month, starting July 2021). Tokens not used that month will remain in the pool unlocked to be used as needed. This pool is intended to fund ecosystem projects, grants for future projects, etc. The unlock of these tokens will not begin until July 2021. The Innovation Pool will be unlocked over a 4.5 year period, ending in 2026.


2. Marketing Pool (old amount 150 million)

The new amount for this pool will be 60 million (starting at 60 million available, 1 million unlocked per month, starting January 2021). Of the tokens not used each month, 1/2 will be moved to the Innovation Pool and the remaining 1/2 not used will remain in the wallet unlocked to be used as needed. The Marketing Pool will be unlocked over a 5 year period, ending in 2025.


3. Company Pool (old amount 275 million)

The new amount for this pool will be 150 million (starting at 150 million available, 2.5 million unlocked per month, starting September 2020). Tokens not used that month will remain in the pool unlocked to be used as needed. The company pool will be unlocked over a 5 year period, ending in 2025.


4. Business Development Pool (old amount 275 million)

The new amount for this pool will be 120 million. These tokens will remain unlocked. We believe this will allow for a balanced and measured approach to increase distribution of ALEPH tokens in circulation for use based on our development roadmap, while still allowing enough flexibility for business development initiatives as they arise.


5. Incentives Pool- No changes!

100 million total (starting at 55 million available, as 45 million were already distributed through POCM). There are approximately 55 million ALEPH remaining in this pool as 45 million have been placed into circulation via POCM and node rewards. Of the remaining ALEPH tokens in this pool, 55 million will be split between the following 3 categories:


  1. Rewards for running aleph.im nodes (on the aleph.im network-expected Q3/Q4 this year). Node requirements are currently being determined at this time and will be released at a later date.
  2. Liquidity pool providers are rewarded so long as they leave liquidity in those pools. 15,000 ALEPH per day will be distributed to liquidity providers on ETH or DAI pairs with ALEPH on Uniswap, shared between all participants relative to the overall value added. Supported pools and platforms can be subject to change in the future.
  3. POCM- staking NULS for ALEPH via the POCM smart-contract or platform. 15000 ALEPH will be distributed per day via POCM reward mechanism.

1. TBD // 2. 0x3a5CC6aBd06B601f4654035d125F9DD2FC992C25 // 3. TBD

6. NULS Foundation Pool (old amount 50 million)

The new amount for this pool will be 20 million. These tokens will remain locked until further notice. These tokens will be unlocked and released according to a vesting schedule that is still TBD. This vesting schedule will ensure future collaboration and continued long term support between the NULS Foundation and aleph.im.


We will be conducting the token supply reduction and changes to the above pools on July 31st. Many thanks to all of you for your continued support and patience. Stay tuned and stay healthy!

Stay up to date with the latest news

Website: https://aleph.im

Telegram: https://t.me/alephim

Telegram News: https://t.me/alephim_news

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Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Aleph_im/

Coingecko: coingecko.com/en/coins/aleph-im

Cross-chain swap: swap.aleph.im

Personal storage dApp: https://my-beta.aleph.im/

Don’t forget to clap

Risk Warning: Purchasing, selling, trading or swapping digital tokens involves a high degree of risk, including total loss, and is not suitable for all purchasers.

Disclaimer: This article contains text, data, graphics, photographs, illustrations and information (“Information”) connected with aleph.im. Aleph.im attempts to ensure Information is accurate, however Information is provided “AS IS” and on an “AS AVAILABLE” basis and may not be accurate or up to date. The publication of this article does not represent solicitation by aleph.im of buying the token “ALEPH” and is not to be considered as a recommendation by aleph.im as to the suitability of any investment, if any, herein described. No action should be taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon Information in this document. Aleph.im accepts no liability for the results of any action taken on the basis of the Information.

