Migrates its Raydium Fusion Pool from (soALEPH-USDC) to ALEPH(Portal)-USDC on April 15 at 14:00 CEST

Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2022

Why Migrating

  • The Sollet bridge is being deprecated and the Fusion Pool on Raydium uses soALEPH in its pair.

What do you need to know

  • The new Raydium Fusion Pool (whALEPH-USDC) will go live on April 15th at 14:00 CEST
  • The old Raydium Fusion Pool (soALEPH-USDC) will stop its incentivisation on April 15th at 14:00 CEST
  • Timeline of FTX Sollet wrapped tokens withdrawals: End of April
  • Timeline of FTX Sollet wrapped tokens deposits: Sometime in 2022
  • Timeline of deprecating the Sollet bridge (deposits and withdrawals of ERC20 tokens): end of April

What do you need to do on April 15th at 14:00 CEST

  1. Remove your liquidity from the old Raydium pool (soALEPH-USDC)
  2. Migrate your soALEPH on to whALEPH (Portal Bridge formerly known as Wormhole)
  3. Re-add liquidity back to the new Raydium pool (whALEPH-USDC)

Use the Token Migration Flowchart to see which swap works best for You

How to use on (SOL>ETH>SOL)

⚠️ This will only work until April 30!!!

  1. Open the Sollet wallet and select the ALEPH token
  2. Select “Send”
  3. Select “ERC-20”
  4. Enter your ETH address and Send
  5. Once received on the ETH side you use to bridge back to Solana (whALEPH aka ALEPH now)

How to migrate my soALEPH to whALEPH on (SOL>SOL)

Make sure first to have a small amount of SOL in your wallet to be able to sign the transactions for the migration

Go to select Solana as Source and (1) connect with the wallet that holds the soALEPH tokens that you just removed from the old Raydium pool (soALEPH-USDC). (2) Select the soALEPH token in the dropdown.

(1) scroll down to the bottom of the list.

Select (1) Go to Migration Page

Create the (1) associated token account and (2) approve the transaction.

⚠️ If there isn’t enough liquidity for the migration you can either contact Portal on their Discord to replenish the pool or see for another option on the Migration Flowchart

Add the (1) amount of tokens that you would like to (2) migrate and (3) approve the transaction

Migration Successful!!!

The following token should now be visible in your wallet.

Now head back to and add it back to the newly created Fusion pool (ALEPH-USDC) and enjoy those yields.

About Aleph is a distributed cloud platform that provides serverless trusted computing services, file storage, and indexing solutions to replace traditional centralized cloud computing. It provides dApps of any chain instant access to database solutions thanks to its scalable peer-to-peer network and programming language-agnostic interface. Explore our decentralized indexing solution. Follow on Twitter: @aleph_im or check out our

About Raydium

Raydium is an automated market maker (AMM) built on the Solana blockchain which leverages the central order book of the Serum decentralized exchange (DEX) to enable lightning-fast trades, shared liquidity and new features for earning yield. Check out

About Portal

formerly known as Wormhole

Portal Bridge is a generic message-passing protocol that connects to multiple chains including Ethereum, Solana, Terra, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Oasis, and Fantom. Currently there are two features built on top of the generic message-passing protocol including:

  • A token bridge that allows users to seamlessly bridge wrapped assets between supported chains.
  • An NFT bridge that allows ERC721 and SPL NFTs to be transferred between Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Oasis, Fantom, and Solana.

To learn more, follow Portal on Twitter @wormholecrypto.

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