tokenomics update 2: supply halving and staking updates

3 min readJul 23, 2020


This week the team decided to reduce the ALEPH supply from 1 billion tokens to 500 million total token supply. Of those 500 million ALEPH tokens to be reduced, 350 million ALEPH were originally allocated for a token sale that did not occur due to self-funding. The rest of the 150 million ALEPH removed will be taken from the allocated pools. After community feedback and much discussion, we reviewed the token allocations and realized a token halving will better address the needs of the network, users and ultimately the ecosystem as a whole.

Token pools will be locked via smart contract with a gradual release of ALEPH tokens, with the exception of the Business Development pool, which will remain unlocked. We believe this will allow for a balanced and measured approach to increase distribution of ALEPH tokens in circulation for use based on our development roadmap, while still allowing enough flexibility for business development initiatives as they arise.

We will be releasing more details regarding the ALEPH halving in the days to come.

aleph nodes

Additionally, we are excited to announce that users will soon be able to run and stake ALEPH (ERC-20) in nodes. Node agents will need a minimum of 200,000 ALEPH (ERC-20) to set up a node and stakers will need a minimum of 10,000 ALEPH (ERC-20) to join. When stakers reach a total amount of 500,000 ALEPH (ERC-20), the node will join consensus and start earning ALEPH rewards. At this point, a total of 700,000 ALEPH (ERC-20) are locked in the node.

Swap your NRC-20* or NEP-5** ALEPH to ERC-20*** ALEPH?

There will be three phases to the network core channel nodes deployment:

  1. In the first phase of node incentives and staking, stakes will be materialized via messages signed by Ethereum addresses holding ERC-20 ALEPH tokens.
  2. Later, node hosts will be issued a non-fungible token (NFT) via a smart contract and ERC-20 tokens of the node smart contract for staked amounts.
  3. The nodes and staking will be managed on the network itself, and those nodes will become the core channel nodes, managing the currency of the network and verifying activity across it.

Additional details and guides will be provided soon for those who are interested in contributing to the ecosystem via hosting and staking on nodes.

*NRC-20 > Nuls chain
**NEP-5 > NEO chain
***ERC-20 > Ethereum chain

Disclaimer: All information regarding network core channel node amounts are subject to review and modification by the team in accordance with the latest developments and the evolving needs of the ecosystem.

