KuCoin Exchange Hack Update

Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2020

Following our previous update regarding the recent KuCoin hack involving approximately $200 million of stolen assets, including around 8.5 million ALEPH, we have contacted all exchanges to halt deposits and withdrawals of ALEPH.

While this incident was beyond our control, we are dedicated to supporting our community and remediating the situation promptly and decisively. After careful consideration and in the best interest of the aleph.im ecosystem and our token holders, we have decided to implement the following course of action:

  • We asked liquidity providers to remove ALL liquidity from swap pools such as Uniswap or Balancer before 21:00 GMT+2, 19:00 UTC.
  • A snapshot of the old token contract was taken on block 10939968 at 19:02 UTC.
  • ALEPH ERC20 tokens have been re-issued 1:1 via a new smart contract and distributed to existing ALEPH token holders at the snapshot height. The previous contract address and tokens no longer hold any value and utility on the aleph.im network and are rendered obsolete, including the approximately 8.5 million stolen tokens.
  • The new aleph.im contract has been issued at 0x27702a26126e0B3702af63Ee09aC4d1A084EF628 and trading will resume shortly.
  • Token holders should cease all trading and transactions on DEXes with the old token contract (0xc0134b5b924c2fca106efb33c45446c466fbe03e). Do not use the previous token address, funds will be lost.
  • Liquidity providers will receive twice the amount of ALEPH they staked in the liquidity pool to cover any potential counter-party loss.

KuCoin has assured users in their latest update that their insurance fund will cover any potential losses. We are in ongoing discussions with KuCoin and are continuing to monitor the situation and will provide updates as it evolves. We want to thank the community again for their continued support.

