Let’s wrap up 2021! Introducing aleph.im computing resource nodes!

Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2021


  • Compute Resource Node are live on the Aleph.im network
  • Introducing a minimum wage mechanism
  • January will be the grace period for the installation and registration of these nodes
  • The Compute Resource Nodes will be rolled out in 3 phases


  • Ending the year with a blast!
  • Installation rollout phases 1, 2 & 3
  • Resources

Ending the year with a blast!

Aleph.im is releasing the long-awaited Computing Resource Nodes. The nodes will play a major role in the network. They will make it possible to run serverless code in a decentralized way making it possible for projects to further decentralize their stack. We cannot emphasise enough how important this is for blockchain ecosystems. We have all seen how outages from giants like AWS or Google can hurt projects out there. Enduring downtime doesn’t only have an impact on the projects themselves but also on those building on top of it and the incentivized communities behind them. We don’t always realize how easy projects can tumble down like a paper card house without these tools.

That’s why we have been building hard behind the scenes. One of the best use cases we can show is that of our latest partnership with Ubisoft Quartz, Aleph.im offering a decentralized storage system for dynamic NFTs. Without the Compute Resource Nodes, this wouldn’t be possible, at least not in a decentralized way.

Phase 1: Software installation and hardware requirements

Minimum requirements:

SERVER: A bare metal server is required since virtual servers are often too slow and unable to run nested virtualization.

CPU (2 options):

  1. Min. 8 cores / 16 threads, 3.0 ghz+ CPU (gaming CPU for fast boot-up of microVMs)
  2. Min. 12 core / 24 threads, 2.4ghz+ CPU (datacenter CPU for multiple concurrent loads)

RAM: 64Gb

STORAGE: 1Tb (Nvme SSD prefered, datacenter fast HDD possible under conditions, you’ll want a big and fast cache)

BANDWIDTH: Minimum of 500 Mbit/s

You’ll need to follow these installation steps 👉 https://bit.ly/3qFXMrU

Phase 2: Registering the installed Compute Resource Node

We will open the registration for the nodes starting from the 17th of January. This will get everybody enough time to install the nodes and make sure they are running in a stable way.

The account.aleph.im dApp will be updated accordingly during this period to make this process as smooth as possible.

Phase 3: Linking the Resource Nodes to the Core Channel Nodes

Core Channel Node owners will be able to link 3 incentivized Compute Resource Nodes to their nodes.

This will ensure 150+ available Compute Resource Nodes on the Aleph.im network.

These 3 linked Compute Resource Nodes will be eligible to what we call a minimum wage, rewarded in ALEPH, to cover the hardware costs and maintenance. All extra nodes will be used for overflow or pay-as-you-go (users paying per resource use, instead of just holding tokens. Coming later in 2022).

We will announce later in January:

  • The exact amounts of the minimum wage rewards for computing resource nodes.
  • The impact on rewards for Core Channel Nodes if they don’t link available Computing Resource nodes.
  • The amount of extra monthly ALEPH made available from the Incentives Pool.
Shows the Compute Resource Nodes are linked and incentivized


About Aleph.im

Aleph.im is a distributed cloud platform that provides serverless trusted computing services, file storage, and indexing solutions to replace traditional centralized cloud computing. It provides dApps of any chain instant access to database solutions thanks to its scalable peer-to-peer network and programming language-agnostic interface. For more information visit aleph.im

Explore our decentralized indexing solution. Follow Aleph.im on Twitter: @aleph_im

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