Aleph DreamBuilders

We are excited to launch our video series telling the stories of our founders

Erica Marom
2 min readFeb 9, 2020


What is an entrepreneur? What does it mean to be a founder? Who are these brave, vulnerable humans taking the road less traveled by?

Even before I officially joined Aleph, I had fallen in love with the stories of our founders. The vision. The inspiration. The impact.

I felt that rush of energy in my stomach a journalist feels when she hears a great story. I wanted to find a way to capture the courage on film. I wanted to show the world the hopes and dreams behind the technology, the products and the companies. An intimate portrait of this startup adventure, through the lens of its leader. I wanted to use the power of video to bare raw and honest emotion: the look in their eye, the clench of their fist, the expression on their face.

These are the people, to quote Teddy Roosevelt, out there in the arena, whose faces are marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strive valiantly, who err, who come short again and again… who spend themselves in a worthy cause, who at the best know in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if they fail, at least fail while daring greatly.

I am surrounded by these courageous people who are daring greatly every single day to change the world, to make our lives better, to envision a different future. I want to show you why.

When you work at a venture capital firm, ideas quickly become a cheap commodity.

“I have an awesome idea for a startup,” says everyone, everywhere.

Being an entrepreneur is so much more than that. It is sacrifice, it is responsibility, it is a calling. It is a profound mission to leave your indelible mark on the map in a meaningful way.

It is the rare breed who can take the idea a thousand steps further and execute a new reality.

And so without further ado, we are excited to announce Aleph DreamBuilders, our founders’ voices and visions on film. First up, Ami Daniel, CEO and co-founder of Windward, whose childhood on the shore sparked a technology that makes the seas safer and helps the global maritime ecosystem thrive.

