Welcome Aleph’s Newest Partner: Tomer Diari

We are thrilled to announce that Tomer Diari has joined as our newest partner.

Tomer is 30 years old, grew up in Israel and is looking forward to returning home after spending the last two years living and working in the US.

From an early age, Tomer has shown dedication and commitment to serving his community, having volunteered with youth in Israel and in the US for many years. He served as an officer in the Israel Defense Forces’ Unit 8200 for six years, and then graduated from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC). Tomer also held engineering roles at Allot Communications, and served as the executive chairman of the Israeli Model UN Association and as board member of the Birthright Israel Excel Community. Tomer has spent the last four and a half years at Bessemer Venture Partners, working in both their Israel and San Francisco offices and learning from some of the best minds in the venture capital craft.

Tomer brings a deep understanding of technology to Aleph and an aspiration to build meaningful global companies. He currently serves as a board member at Rigetti Computing, an emerging leader in the quantum computing industry, and has also held board observer roles at Auth0, Axonius, Claroty, Endgame (acq. by Elastic), MyHeritage and several other companies.

Finding a new equal partner is a long and arduous process. We met with and talked to hundreds of candidates and it took us over three years to complete the search. We are thrilled to have found, connected and bonded with Tomer, and we look forward to our next partner search, which commences immediately.

Tomer shares Aleph’s values of dedicated service to both entrepreneurs and community, as well as having a diversity of opinions around the table. We have connected over our commitment to build impactful global businesses and brands out of Israel, and the Aleph motto that “different is better than better.”

Please join us in welcoming Tomer to the Aleph family!

Aaron, Eden, Michael and Yael



Michael A. Eisenberg: Six Kids And A Full Time Job
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