What’s Up At Aleph — February 2019

Register to New Space meetup • Congrats to Luminate • Welcome Healthy.io • Opportunity for data people

Lia Levin
2 min readFeb 27, 2019


New Space Meetup

Join us for a meetup featuring the latest developments in Space tech and ventures, with speakers from the IDF, Utilis, Effective Space and NSLComm.

See Details and Register Here

Welcome Healthy.io

When we founded Aleph, we had no intention of investing in medical-related businesses. But then came Yonatan Adiri.

Read Here Why We Invested in Healthy.io

Luminate Acquired by Symantec

Selling a company is bittersweet. Aaron Rosenson writes about our journey with Luminate and the exciting outcome.

Read More

Opportunity for Data People

A stealth mode B2C Fintech startup Aleph invested in, making real change in the financial behavior of families who need it most, is looking for its first Product Analyst.

Read More and Apply

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