What’s Up At Aleph — July 2022

Healthy’s FDA Clearance • From VP Product to CEO • Employ Your Brand

Sophie Gothold
2 min readJul 26, 2022


Healthy.io Receives FDA Clearance

Healthy.io received landmark FDA clearance for Minuteful Kidney, holding promise to reduce dialysis rates for 60 million at-risk Americans. This marks the first time the FDA has granted clearance for a smartphone-powered home ACR test.
Read Healthy.io’s Announcement Here

From Colu’s VP Product to CEO

Ortal Tevel shares her journey from VP Product to CEO, along with the professional shift required to balance away from execution towards vision and perception, and how her childhood martial arts coach helped shape her career.
Read Ortal’s Blog Here

Employ Your Brand

Our very own Erica Marom and Uri Ar, aka “Urica,” share their approach to building an employer brand, an essential process based on applying your brand story and values to everything you do, from hiring and firing to company life.
Read Urica’s Blog Here

GeoQuant Acquired by Fitch Group

GeoQuant has been acquired by Fitch Group, a global leader in financial information services, as a Fitch Solutions company. By combining service offerings, GeoQuant will expand their reach while continuing to provide high-frequency data to clients.
Read the Announcement Here

