Monthly Update: June/July

Aleksander Bączkowski
Aleph Zero Foundation
4 min readDec 14, 2023

June and July were eventful months for Aleph Zero as a project. Many important milestones and development targets have been reached. In case you missed anything, read on to find out what progress has been made in the past two months!

AZERO Ledger app live!

At the very end of June, Aleph Zero’s Ledger application went live for download from the Ledger Live App Catalog. The initial functionality of the application allows for creating accounts, as well as sending and receiving AZERO. An update released in the near future will enable staking via direct nominations and nomination pools!

Learn more about this update

Zealy questboard live

In June, the Aleph Zero team launched the official Aleph Zero Zealy questboard. The platform has seen great engagement from

Check out the questboard!

AZERO listed on BitMart

AZERO is now available for purchase on BitMart’s digital assets platform under the AZERO/USDT pair.

Check it out!

Ariel Gabizon joins Cardinal Cryptography in an advisory capacity

We were thrilled to announce in June that Ariel Gabizon (who has previously been involved with Zcash, Protocol Labs and Aztec Network) had joined Cardinal Cryptography in an advisory position. Ariel’s expertise and experience with ZK-SNARKS has been invaluable for us in creating the theoretical design of Liminal (Aleph Zero’s soon-to-be native multichain privacy layer).

Learn more about Ariel

AZERO supply verified on CoinMarketCap!

The Aleph Zero team and community’s ears were blessed midway through July when we all learned that CoinMarketCap had at last verified the supply of the native utility coin, AZERO. The unverified supply was one of the longest running points of constructive criticism from the community, and we are ecstatic that it has finally been resolved.

Tangem Wallet integration: success!

At the very end of April, we announced that the Tangem hardware wallet would be integrated into the Aleph Zero network. After an eventful three months, we are glad to announce that the integration is complete! Thanks to the Tangem wallet team for their work on the integration!

Polkasafe integration

Polkasafe has integrated the Aleph Zero network. This means that ecosystem users can now benefit from an easy to use, non-custodial multisig platform while developers can leverage Polkasafe SDK to use its functionalities in their dApps. Polkasafe has been a recipient of the EFP support.

Learn more about the integration

And…we’re live! The Aleph Zero Podcast is well and truly here

On the 8th of July, the core team behind Aleph Zero was pleased to present the announcement of the Aleph Zero Podcast launch. The podcast features discussions from Aleph Zero core team members and projects in the ecosystem, as well as recaps from talks at events. At the time of writing, there are currently six episodes released, and there are more coming every week! Make sure to tune into the Aleph Zero Podcast on your favorite streaming platform!

Check out the Aleph Zero Podcast

Sharing insights on privacy and regulation on CoinMarketCap

On July 25th, Matthew Niemerg and Antoni Żółciak authored a feature article on CoinMarketCap. The article explores privacy through the lens of individuals, businesses and regulators, while outlining possible solutions which can benefit all parties.

Read the article

Supporting ETHBarelona

At the beginning of July, Adam Gągol discussed smart contract privacy, ZK-SNARKS and the tech behind the upcoming MEV-mitigating DEX, Common.

Sharing knowledge in Paris

From the 17th to the 20th of July, the Aleph Zero team visited Paris for EthCC. During this time, Damian Straszak presented a speech at EthCC titled Private and Permissionless Systems without Black Hats and a speech at ParisDotComm about ink! smart contracts.

Teaching students at the Polkadot Blockchain Academy

During the week ending on July 22nd, Filip Bielejec and Piotr Mikołajczyk

Taught students at the Polkadot Blockchain Academy about smart contracts, providing them with essential knowledge about this cutting-edge technology.

Mainnet 11.3 update

At the end of July, the Aleph Zero team concluded the Mainnet 11.3 update. The update improved network stability and block production. Additionally, block finalization speed has been slightly improved!

This article was first published on the Aleph Zero Blog on August 23rd, 2023. Read the original entry here.

