Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2017


ALEPY | What Gives A Cryptocurrency Value

Getting to know more of what Alepy can do

There’s a new form of investing out there, one that’s currently exploding as cryptocurrencies start making their mark on the world. Over the last year there’s been some exciting revelations as these currencies start rising in value and even Forbes starts talking about the effects this form of commerce may have on the future.

How insane has the last year been? Bitcoin saw a rise from $519 on 31 Aug 2016 to nearly $4700 on 31 Aug 2017. Cryptocurrencies are hot right now, and canny investors are starting to seriously consider the benefits of jumping on board after a nearly $2500 dollar rise in value in Bitcoin in just one month. That’s right, $2500 of that $519-$4700 rise in Bitcoin value happened just in the month of August 2017.

The Age Of The Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

This is fertile ground for cryptocurrencies, especially in a time where they’re gaining momentum as a driving force behind changes in how social media platforms operate. In this fertile ground new cryptocurrenices are starting to spring up, ready to enter the field and change the future of currency without mercy. Take for example the birth of ALP, a form of cryptocurrency being used to back Alepy, a block-chain driven social media platform with an increasingly popular view on social media and how it should work.

Alepy is one of the rising platforms that believes that users private information should be just that, private. Already taking an unpopular stance in the information age, they follow it by believing that the creators of content on social media platforms, and the consumers, should both benefit from the success they bring these platforms. How are they achieve this incredible goal? On the back of a blockchain and their own cryptocurrency, the ALP.

What Gives A Cryptocurrency Value?

One of the unique aspects of cryptocurrencies like ALP is that there is a limited ‘printing’ of that currency, and in most cases cryptocurrencies have no intention of ever issuing another coin. That means there’s little to no chance of a flush of new currency into the system devaluing the coin. This often means that coins are released at a limited rate coming out the door, and in the case of bitcoin the number of coins released past the initial offering gradually slowed as more of the total coins entered the system.

Another element granting value to bitcoins is how well they’re accepted and how easy they are to use for exchanges. Bitcoin has a high distribution and is accepted for payment on an increasing number of platforms, meaning its utility is high and thus its trade value is high. ALP is able to be exchanged for Bitcoin, helping to buoy is potential value in the eye of consumers.

Which leads us to one of the most important things driving the price of a cryptocurrency, its value in the eyes of the public. Bitcoin is steadily increasing in value as people see it as another form of currency as if not more reliable than fiat (think the US Dollar) currency. Cryptocurrencies can rapidly increase in value as they gain legitimacy in the eyes of the cyrptocurrency public.

Get In On The Ground Floor

Now is an exciting time for those traders willing to put their money on the line for potential massive gains. New cryptocurrencies often release at a rate under their initial trade value. ALP will be starting to sell on the market at a rate of .10 for early investors, though only so many ALP will be available at this time. Following this initial offering future offerings will be made at .15, .20, etc until the base price of ALP is reached of .50 a piece. What other investment opportunity essentially guarantees a 500% increase in value?

Cryptocurrencies are hot right now, and for those bold enough to make the investment the future could be incredibly bright indeed.


