Companies Should Stop Focusing on Diversity

Paolo Gaudiano
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2018

As part of my work in diversity and inclusion, company leaders frequently ask me for specific suggestions on what they can do to increase diversity. Sometimes the answer surprises them: achieving diversity should not be your goal.

This isn’t to say that diversity is not important — quite the opposite! I have previously argued that diversity is key to company performance. But diversity should be an outcome of your efforts to maximize your company’s performance, not a condition that you try to impose. Making your company inclusive is a key ingredient to your company’s success, and it will also naturally lead your company to be more diverse. In other words, you should focus on achieving inclusion, and track diversity as a measure of your success .

To understand this, consider first that human capital is the most important asset and the largest expenditure of virtually every company: regardless of what your company does, you need people to ideate, design, develop, market, sell and support your offering. Hence, anything that you do that improves the performance of your human capital will benefit your company, while any problems you create for your human capital will have a negative impact.

Now imagine that you have just hired two people to fill identical positions for which you have a detailed job description and specific requirements. The two individuals both fit the requirements perfectly, are the same age, went to the same school, and, from the point of view of this job, they are virtually identical. Let’s refer to them as “work twins.” However, these work twins differ in their personal characteristics: for instance, one is black and the other is white; or one is male and the other female; or one is Muslim and the other is Christian; or one is a democrat and the other is a republican. For the sake of this thought experiment, let’s assume that one work twin is male and the other is female, and they are identical in all other personal traits.

In principle, these work twins should have exactly the same performance and career trajectory, and they should make identical contributions to the success of your company. But in practice, the personal traits that differentiate the otherwise identical work twins, will cause them to have different experiences. If, for example, your company’s current employees are mostly men, then the female twin is likely to have a more negative experience than the male twin, giving the male twin an unfair advantage.

This simple thought experiment should already make it clear why your focus should be on inclusion rather than on diversity: whether or not our fictitious twins have different experiences has less to do with the gender of the existing employees, and more to do with how those employees treat the female employee — the less inclusive the company, the more likely that the female twin will have a worse experience and be less successful in the position.

But it’s important to realize that failing to be inclusive has broad negative consequences for your entire company, not just for the female twin. By failing to be inclusive, you now have an unhappy employee, and this leads to negative ripple effects on other key aspects of your company’s performance: if the female twin has lower productivity, her team will be less efficient as it is dealing with an underperforming member; if she quits because of her dissatisfaction, you will need to hire, onboard and train someone new; if she complains about her treatment, your company will get a bad reputation that will discourage other women from applying for jobs; and if she was in a role that influences any aspect of your product (design, marketing, sales, support), your company will be less able to attract female customers.

These kinds of negative ripple effects occur all the time: companies pledge to increase diversity by focusing on hiring “diverse candidates,” but then these diverse candidates find themselves in an environment that is unwelcoming or sometimes downright hostile, which ultimately results in decreased ability to attract and retain talent, decreased productivity, and decreased market share. It should not be surprising that, in spite of all the money and effort invested in increasing diversity, many companies fail to move the needle on diversity.

The negative ripple effects don’t stop here. Within a company, the continued push for diversity can lead to backlash from members of the privileged majority who feel that their company is discriminating against them. And the backlash can propagate to entire industries and in some cases to society as a whole — as evidenced by recent attacks on Affirmative Action.

The far-reaching implications of inclusion (or the lack thereof) also reveal the importance of making inclusion not only a core element of your culture, but also an integral aspect of all your workplace policies and processes. Even if every male employee in our fictitious company were an inclusive individual, the company may have policies and practices that are disadvantageous to the female twin, such as inadequate maternity leave and lack of flex time; or the company may have processes that allow unconscious biases to influence decisions related to hiring, compensation and promotions, to the further detriment of our female twin.

One of the beauties of inclusion, is that an inclusive culture and inclusive workplace policies can benefit anyone whose personal traits differ from the majority. Although I have used gender for our thought experiment, the same reasoning can apply to any personal trait: race, religion, sexual identity, age, education level, political views, nationality, language, physical or cognitive disabilities, body shape, dietary constraints, medical conditions, or a myriad other factors, many of which are not even considered when discussing diversity, but which nonetheless can impact workplace experiences.

As a final point, focusing on diversity creates the fundamental problem of labeling people and placing them into buckets, which fosters division. Focusing on inclusion does the opposite: it acknowledges that your employees are human beings whose varied personal traits influence their needs and behaviors. By creating an inclusive workplace you ensure that everyone is given the best opportunity to succeed. And in so doing, you will create a highly diverse company in which employees are happier, more productive and more loyal.

This article was originally published on Forbes.



Paolo Gaudiano
Editor for

Changing what people think and do about diversity and inclusion. CEO of Aleria and Executive Director of QSDI.