How I started selling Websites Using Elementor

Selling websites for a living. Are we in 1998?

Nope. Creating websites for clients is still a thing, and if you know how to do it quickly, it can be remunerative.
I’ve been creating and selling websites with Elementor for the last 4 years, and I can tell you there’s no better moment when to start.

This article is the natural extension of my latest one, where I’ve explained how I started selling ads and chatbots. If you haven’t read it, get back to it otherwise, this one won’t make much sense.

3 years ago, chatbots and Facebook ads were my first link to start working for a business, since traditional marketing is still the most used channel to get customers.

I charged $200 to create an ad and connect it to a chatbot. If the client liked the result and wanted to improve the ad in the following months, send messages and offers to the followers through Facebook Messenger, my fee became $500/mo.

If you get 5 or more clients per month, these rates are pretty decent.
But you can maximise the earning if you offer an upsell.
And that’s where Elementor comes into play.

The Quickest Page Builder

If you’re not familiar with Elementor, it’s the best page builder for Wordpress.
It’s a simple drag and drop tool that allows creating pages in a matter of minutes.

Even if I’m a web designer and I spent years building websites with HTML and CSS, I prefer using Elementor than writing code from scratch.

If you want to try Elementor, you can start a free trial here.

How I convinced businesses to redesign their website

After they accepted my proposal of creating a Facebook ad, I asked if they wanted a website redesign on top of it.

To convince them of my web design skills, I created a new version of their homepage for free. If they wanted me to work with the other pages of their website, I would propose a new bundle price that usually fluctuated between 1000 and 2000$.

If you’re familiar with Elementor, you know how easy and quick is to create a single page, not to mention that you may use templates.

Offering help for free before charging the client, gives you 2 advantages.
First of all, clients will hardly refuse your offer, cause they have nothing to lose.
Furthermore, you’ll have the chance to show the client your skills in order to grow their trust for you.

Trust is what sells

If you watched other videos on my channel, you already came across this strategy that I use on every niche and project. I always help for free before I introduce my paid service.

A client becomes a client because he trusts you and recognises your expertise. If you’re not an internet guru with a huge following, your best chance to convince someone to hire you is to show for free that you’re worth their money.

Back to Elementor, if you still haven’t decided to buy a pro account, I’ve put up a document with all the reasons why you should use it. And since I don’t get any money for this promotion, you’re welcome Elementor team.

If you’re instead already using it, I’m sure you’ll love my guide on the best FREE Elementor adds-on, to improve the experience with this page builder.

A question for you: if you still haven’t used Elementor to sell websites, what stopped you so far?

I see you in the comments!



Alessandro Di Ruscio
Escape 9 to 5. Become a Digital Nomad

I help entrepreneurs and companies building and growing their online business