What If The Client Says That Your Price Is Too High

Are you struggling to get private clients because they say your price is too high?

This article will provide you with my 5 bulletproof system to minimize clients’ rejections.

In my early days being a web designer, I have no idea how many times I heard the sentence: “I’m sorry, but I can’t afford your rate.”

After a good number of potential clients telling me the same, I started thinking they were right. Probably my rates were too high.

I knew there were plenty of people building websites for double my price, but I thought that maybe they had more experience or a better portfolio.

So I dropped my price drastically.

Guess what. Regardless of that, it looked like I was still charging too much. I had the same feedback from prospects, even if my rates were way lower than before.

A doubt started crawling into my mind: what if whatever price I ask for, it would always be too high?

The reason why your price is always too high

There’s a common joke in the web design industry: clients usually think that building a website is a piece of cake. Why should they pay an expert to make one, with any kid can do it for free?

That’s the reason why rates are always too high.

Unfortunately, the same logic applies to other online industries.

My business at the moment is about selling knowledge. I teach how to get clients and become a digital nomad, and it doesn’t matter how much I charge: it’s always too much.

Why should they pay $1000 for one of my online courses when they can find everything I teach for free?

Once I did a test, dropping my course price from $997 to $97, and I still got people telling me that it was too much.

The problem is that nowadays we can access any information we need for free, surfing around the Web.

But at the same time, we can always find a lower price for products or services.

Think about Amazon. Or think about websites like Fiverr for web design services.

If I charge $1000 for a website, my client can find someone else on Fiverr creating a website 1/10 of my rate.

What can we do about prices too high?

I thought a lot about this question, and I concluded that we shouldn’t tackle the price problem. I don’t want to underprize myself and my services.

Instead, I can focus on making the client understand that my service or my product has a higher quality than a cheaper one.

Quality is the answer.

If you put yourself in the client’s shoes, you’ll soon realize that the client is interested in the product or the service to fix a problem.

The product and the service are just a tool to reach a goal.

Let me be more precise. When I used to create websites for clients, I wasn’t selling websites. I was fixing problems.

If you want a website, there’s a reason behind it. Maybe you want to get more exposure to your brand or make it appear more professional. Or maybe you want more clients.

It’s the same about selling knowledge. In my course “Escape 9 to 5”, I teach how to get private and remote clients. Why do my students want to learn how to find clients?

Maybe to quit their boring full-time job, or to get their freedom back.

As you can see, clients are just a tool to reach an outcome.

I know for sure that if you consume the content in my course and complete all the assignments, you’ll learn how to find clients consistently.

Are you sure you’re going to have the same results watching random videos online? Will you put into action that advice? And how long it will take?

My online course is expensive cause I sell how to reach a goal. It’s not just about the content.

The 5 bulletproof steps

I want you to stop thinking about the price, and focus instead on the problem you fix.

Here’s below the 5 steps to convince the client to accept your price. If you follow them religiously, you’ll minimize rejections in your business.

  1. Get to know the client before you even talk with him or her. Gather information online, and put down a list of the specific problems you can fix.
  2. Reach out to the client with an email, and write down your solution to his business problems. Don’t talk much about your past and experiences. The client is only interested in his business, and wants to know if your solution is the right one.
  3. When you finally talk with the client, be present, and listen. Focus on what the client needs cause in that moment, he’s giving you all the clues you need.
  4. Ask for some time to put down your strategy. You want to be sure that your message is sharp and straight to the point the next time you’ll talk.
  5. Prepare your proposal putting yourself in your client’s shoes. What would make him say yes? Do you need to show proofs? Do you need to show examples? Ask around for suggestions too. And when you have everything ready, show it to the client.

These simple steps will reduce the rejections drastically.

Remember, it’s not about your service or product. It’s about fixing a problem. Focus on that, and the price won’t be anymore a problem.

If you want my help to find remote clients and embrace the digital nomad lifestyle, watch my online training called “How to get private clients in 30 days”. You can join the online training here.

Otherwise, if you want to talk directly with me, schedule a free call with me.



Alessandro Di Ruscio
Escape 9 to 5. Become a Digital Nomad

I help entrepreneurs and companies building and growing their online business