How to create AI-generated characters using CharacterGPT

Alethea AI Official Announcements
Alethea AI
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2023

A guide to prompt engineering written by a guest writer.

Introduction to CharacterGPT

CharacterGPT is the world’s first multimodal generative AI system that can create interactive AI Characters from a description in natural language. In short, it enables Text-to-Character Generation or TTC. CharacterGPT is the first in a series of cutting-edge AI Systems.

CharacterGPT provides an opportunity for creators, writers, enthusiasts, and game developers to generate realistic and lifelike AI Characters that can communicate with humans in a natural way. Its purpose is to furnish endless applications for businesses and creators alike. With CharacterGPT, you can create lifelike AI Characters that make your stories, games, NPCs, assistants, or brand ambassadors come to life. They can engage subscribers, followers, customers, and prospects in dynamic conversations, and provide an engaging user experience without writing a single line of code.

All AI Characters generated using the CharacterGPT AI system will be compatible with the AI Protocol. This means the characters are ownable and interoperable across any other application built on the AI Protocol.

In order to optimize a user’s best chance of success in making their character vision come alive, we’d like to provide some basic understanding of what kinds of inputs work well, and how to enter a prompt that CharacterGPT does well at understanding.

Prompt Syntax

Using a simple prompt structure helps create dynamic, unique, and interesting characters from applications that use CharacterGPT.

Here’s an example of an ideal prompt:

<Person> as <descriptor> who <characteristic or setting>.

Another example would be:

<Person> who is a <descriptor> that likes <characteristic or setting>

“A young woman as the Goddess of Truth who loves Artificial Intelligence.”

The syntax of the above prompt can be understood as:

  • The person determines the facial appearance and gender of the character.
  • The descriptor determines the character’s bodily appearance, outfit, and core personality of the character.
  • The characteristic or setting provides additional personality traits and backstory for the character.

For example,

“A Prince as a Doctor wearing a white lab coat that wants to be a veterinarian”
“Leo as a Chef who loves to travel the world”
“Lucinda who is a vampire but is searching for redemption”

We recommend following the above-mentioned syntax when generating a character for optimum results.


The linguistic context for characters created using CharacterGPT can be understood as the following:

Semantics matter!
The usage of meaningful and specific inputs that can be understood by CharacterGPT will provide better results. Avoid using numbers and symbols in your prompt.

✅ Ideal Prompt
Tom as a plumber who wants to be a bodybuilder

❌ Instead of
Tom who has a *blue-collar job* and wants to build a 6 pack

Avoid grammatical errors
The ideal prompts are always grammatically correct and convey a clear meaning.

✅Ideal Prompt
Alice as a computer software engineer who loves singing

❌Instead of
Alice as a comp. software engineer which luvs singing

Use declarative sentences
Using language in its directive function gives clear instructions to AI to create a character from the given prompt.

✅Ideal Prompt
Harry who is a villain and constantly needs to feel in control

❌Instead of
What would someone named Harry look and act like if he were a supervillain?

Avoid Art Style additions
All the characters created using CharacterGPT are meant to look realistic and lifelike. Therefore, adding art styles like Ghibli, 3D, Picasso style, etc. does not add any value to the output.

Be specific

The AI creates a personality based on the definitions, meanings, and defined attributes, terms or references. The more specific you are, the more accurately the character will be generated.

Eg: “Erica as a dancer who wants to be a social media star’” does not clarify what type of dancer Erica is, or which social media, and the AI System will select one at random for you.

Instead, you could clarify further by typing, “Erica as a ballerina who wants to be a youtube star.”

Keep it short

Short prompts that use specific names, traits, attributes, etc. are more efficient to use.

✅Ideal Prompt
John as a triathlon gold medalist at the Olympics

❌Instead of
John as a runner and swimmer and cyclist who is also the best athlete in the world

AI likes the active voice

Writing prompts in active voice brings better results than using passive voice.

✅Ideal Prompt
Erica as a Chess Prodigy who loves cats

❌Instead of
Erica makes everyone feel like a loser at Chess but makes the cats feel loved

Pun, not a promise!

The responses from the AI generative characters can be inaccurate, senseless, false, or just a bad pun. Please do not rely on the information provided by the character or take them for factual truth.


You are bringing your imagination to life; use relevant and popular examples to make it easier for AI to understand.

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About CharacterGPT

CharacterGPT is the world’s first multimodal generative AI system that can create interactive AI Characters from a description in natural language. In short, it enables Text-to-Character Generation or TTC. CharacterGPT is the first in a series of cutting edge, “Text-to-X” AI Systems built by Alethea AI.

