How to Add the ALEQ Token to Your Wallet

This concise manual covers MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, MyCrypto, and Ledger Live

Pascal Marco Caversaccio
4 min readDec 17, 2018



MetaMask is a great piece of software you can use to manage all of your ERC20 Ethereum tokens. The wallet is a extension you can add to your Chrome, Firefox, Brave, or Opera browser.

  1. Open MetaMask and login to MetaMask.

2. Click on the top left on Menu and subsequently on Add Token.

3. Click on Custom Token and enter the ALEQ token address: 0xf40c5e190a608B6F8C0bF2b38C9506b327941402. The other parameters Token Symbol and Decimals of Precision will be filled automatically. Finally, click Next.

4. Now you will see your token balance and click Add Tokens.

5. Congratulations you have added the ALEQ token to your MetaMask account.


MyEtherWallet (MEW) is an open-source, JavaScript, client-side tool for generating Ethereum wallets and sending transactions. You can also use MEW to manage all of your ERC20 Ethereum tokens. However, ERC20 tokens are not yet supported by MEW by default.

  1. Open MEW and click on Send Ether & Tokens. Login into your wallet using your preferred method (for this manual we use MetaMask).

2. Click on Add Custom Token on the right-hand side under Token Balances.

3. Enter the following parameter inputs and click Save:

  • Token Contract Address: alethena.eth
  • Token Symbol: ALEQ
  • Decimals: 0

4. Congratulations you have added the ALEQ token to your MEW account.


MyCrypto (MC) is an open-source, client-side tool for generating Ether wallets, handling ERC20 tokens, and interacting easily with the blockchain. You can use MC to manage all of your ERC20 Ethereum tokens. However, ERC20 tokens are not yet supported by MC by default.

  1. Open MC and login into your wallet using your preferred method (for this manual we use MetaMask).

2. Click on Scan For Tokens on the right-hand side under Token Balances. The ALEQ token will be currently not found and you need to click on Add Custom Token subsequently.

3. Enter the ALEQ token address: 0xf40c5e190a608B6F8C0bF2b38C9506b327941402. The other parameters Decimals, Token Symbol, and Balance will be filled automatically. Now click on Save.

4. Congratulations you have added the ALEQ token to your MC account.

Ledger Live

Ledger Live currently does not natively support ERC20 tokens, although this feature is planned to be added. ERC20 tokens sent to your ETH address will not display in your last operations list, nor will they be reflected in your balance. You can use MyEtherWallet or MyCrypto to manage tokens on your Ledger hardware wallet.

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Pascal Marco Caversaccio

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