Completing the Web3 Development Cycle with Alethio

Alethio’s data analytics API now supports Webhooks and Ethereum testnets, further helping devs build from start to finish.

Lucian Boca
3 min readFeb 4, 2020


Everett Muzzy, Lucian Boca

On February 4, Alethio announced two feature updates to its data analytics API product: Ethereum testnet support and webhooks support. []

API Testnet Support

Alethio now supports API endpoints for Rinkeby, Kovan and Ropsten in addition to the Ethereum mainnet.

The new API functionality means developers can leverage Alethio’s robust data query and analytics tools at the testing phase of their dapps and smart contracts. Before launching on mainnet, devs can observe how Alethio will track, monitor, and report everything from user activity to transaction volume to contract deployments and more.

We rolled out testnet support for our API to better enable the dev cycle for emerging Web3 dapps. From security to performance and everything in between, the Web3 stack has a variety of products to choose from to aid the dev cycle. We are building out Alethio to better support devs by giving them a single tool they can rely on from staging to testing to deployment to monitoring.

Testnet support is available now for new and existing API users. If you’re new to Alethio’s API, read more here or jump straight to our API technical documentation.

Explore the API Testnet Support

API Webhooks Support

Webhook support on the Alethio API helps to reduce the burden on developers and enables easy real-time access to on-chain events. Currently, should a dev wish to monitor an address for certain activity with our API, they would need to regularly query the address to see if it had emitted that activity. This is also known as a polling mechanism and adds a considerable request overhead, even though most of these requests are often empty. The utility of performing them is minimal beyond making sure that nothing new happened on the monitored address.

Webhooks help to reverse this logic, instead ensuring developers are given data only when new activity gets registered for a particular address. With webhooks, developers won’t need to repeatedly call the endpoints, and instead can ensure they receive only real-time data that reflects actual on-chain activity, at the time it takes place.

Benefits of Alethio’s API Webhook Support:

  • Lower network overhead
  • Decreased code complexity
  • All relevant events are pushed to your server via standard HTTP calls
  • The same data model as the Public API for easier integration

Webhooks support is available now for new and existing API users. If you’re new to Alethio’s API, read more here or jump straight to our API technical documentation.

Read the API Webhooks Documentation

Alethio is a complete data analytics software offering historical and real-time access to, insight into, and analysis of on-chain Ethereum data. Our API provides direct access to all on-chain transfers (both transactions and internal messages) and empowers developers to make more informed decisions based on synthesized, indexed blockchain data.

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Lucian Boca
Writer for

Problem solver. Blockchain guy. APIs @ConsenSys @Alethio