Exploring Ethereum through Open Source

Casian Lacatusu
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2019

Alethio’s mission is to promote transparency and equitable access to meaningful data on the Ethereum blockchain. Throughout our learning process we have created and improved tools that help all types of Ethereum blockchain users. The crypto-curious can discover the blockchain through the Alethio block explorer, a trader can set up alerts with Alethio Monitoring to keep track of his account(s), an analyst can use the Reporting tool to generate data that will enhance her capabilities, a developer can use our API to create blockchain products, and a casual observer can use EthStats to track in real time the Ethereum network status.

Anyone building for the decentralized web can make use of Alethio. And like the community we are working with, we have focused on developing and offering free open source products that can be set up on any private or permissioned network. In the past, we’ve launched the Ethereum Lite Explorer which allows any user to spin up his own lightweight block explorer without having to trust a third party. Even though it is a great tool, sometimes you just need that little extra.

The most common need we’ve seen among our users that the Lite Explorer does not fullfil is a display of the history of transactions for an account. Problem is, you can’t get that directly from the node, you have to index the chain.

Introducing Memento

Memento is a new open-source tool developed by Alethio that allows anyone to index data using any web3-compatible node. It packs lots of features allowing you to install and forget about it. Bundle it with the Lite Explorer and you’ve got the full exploration capabilities at your fingertips.

We’ve also included a built-in dashboard to make your life so much easier. You can easily monitor the system status & progress, queue blocks for indexing, start / stop the indexing process, reset the database and last but not least, manage your Memento configuration.

Memento dashboard running on Goerli


Works with any web3-compatible node
As long as you have a web3-compatible node with an accessible JSON-RPC endpoint, you’re good to go. It even works with Infura’s API.

Automatic backfilling
Regardless if the tool has been offline for a period of time or if it is starting for the first time, it will automatically take care of queuing the necessary blocks for scarping if the backfilling feature is enabled.

Basic chain reorganisations (reorg) handling
Whenever a reorg is detected we check the database for a block with the same number but different hash and replace it with the newest version.

Lag function
If you don’t want to deal with reorgs, enable the lag function, set a value (default 10 blocks) and enjoy your reorg-free data.

Data validator
Memento includes a validator that checks if the data makes sense from a logical integrity standpoint for every block scraped. This avoids any inconsistencies that may occur throughout the scraping process.

Automatic migrations
If the feature is enabled, whenever the run function is called, it will automatically try to execute the database migrations. No need to worry when doing an upgrade.

Best feature of all, it is open-source and free to use for anyone. If you have any issue or suggestion, feel free to reach out to us.
Check out Memento and get started.

Stay in touch

In a trustless system transparency is key, and Alethio empowers users to monitor and explore it. We will be releasing more features in the coming period and welcome your suggestions on what new features or enhancements you’d like to see. Head out and visit aleth.io for access today! Follow us on Twitter @AlethioEthStats! Interested in exploring an integration? Drop us a note at partnerships@aleth.io — we’d love to work with you!

