Reliable, Truly-Unstoppable Blockchain Data

Alex T
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2019

— How to quickly run your personal, unstoppable Ethereum Block Explorer


Let’s say someone uses the vast power at their disposal to forbid you access to a site you rely upon, like Etherscan or the Alethio Ethereum Explorer. Where options are you left with? Is there anything you can do?

Fortunately, there is. In a decentralized system you can run your own light Ethereum Client and your very own personal Explorer right on your personal computer. It’s not even hard, all you need is docker.

You can find the full instructions on our github, but for a quick and painless start all you need to do is run a couple of commands:

Start Parity in light client mode:

docker run -d — restart always — name parity-light -p parity/parity:stable — light — jsonrpc-interface all — jsonrpc-cors all

alternatively you can try starting geth(go-ethereum) in light mode

docker run -d — restart always — name geth -p 8545:8545 -p 30303:30303 ethereum/client-go — rpc — rpcaddr “” — syncmode light

Wait for it to sync and then start the Ethereum Lite Explorer

docker run -p 80:80 -e APP_NODE_URL=”http://localhost:8545" alethio/ethereum-lite-explorer

Open http://localhost/ in your browser and you should be able to search and browse blocks and transactions.

This solution is not as feature rich as being able to use a full featured explorer, but it is a great way of avoiding depending on centralized solutions that you could be locked out of overnight.

P.S. this post still relies on a few centralized parties for now, medium, github and docker hub. All of these choices trade some amount of convenience for lack of censorship-resistance. Our hope is that people will try the instructions, re post them on various mediums. If needed, all the source code can be shared over IPFS as well.

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