The Future of Alethio

We’re saying goodbye to the Alethio brand. But the data services and content aren’t going anywhere.

3 min readJul 24, 2020


Hopefully, many of you reading this have been part of the Alethio community for quite some time. You’ve been with us as we’ve rolled out products, features, APIs, blog posts, data studies, publications and more. We’ve been at the forefront of providing relevant, real-time, critical on-chain data to the Ethereum ecosystem, powering everything from DeFi applications to curious blockchain investigations.

What’s Happening

As part of the transformation of ConsenSys, we are no longer supporting the Alethio brand. However, we remain committed to you and our data customers with the products offered through Codefi Data.

Access to the Alethio products site will continue to be available until the end of 2020. We are working hard to re-design, upgrade, and add new functionality to our data offering as part of the ConsenSys Codefi suite, including the type of data APIs you have come to expect from ConsenSys. Other Codefi Data products, like DeFi Score and Compare, are newer products that aim to facilitate an even more secure and confident DeFi adoption. ConsenSys will continue building out these data offerings, with many more exciting product offerings in the months and years to come.

Codefi Data

Codefi Data provides analytics and risk management for digital assets, public blockchain tokens, and their growing networks. Under the Codefi Data, the following APIs are available:

  • Fundamental API — Query low-level blockchain data and state as well as token balances, transactions and DeFi charts. This API is an updated version of the former Alethio API. Read the documentation here
  • DeFi Graph API — Query current and historical metrics across all lending protocols including rates, locked value, originations, collateralization ratios and more. Read the documentation here
  • DeFi Score API — Query DeFi Score and associated risk metrics on all the DeFi Lending Protocols. Used for display in your wallet/dapp, research, or media content. Read the documentation here

If you’d like access to any of the APIs above or set up time to talk through your DeFi data needs, please sign up here!

Our Eth2Stats product will no longer be actively maintained by ConsenSys, but it will be open sourced in the next few weeks for continued community development.

Paying and non-paying customers of the Alethio API will continue to have full access to the API until the end of 2020. This service is now called the Codefi Data Fundamental API and will experience no interruptions. Updated API documentation can be found here.

Next Steps

Those of you receiving this email are part of the Alethio email list. This email list will be merged with our larger Codefi email list in the coming weeks. The Codefi email list receives monthly updates regarding Codefi, Ethereum data, and the DeFi ecosystem. If you do not wish to be part of this list, please unsubscribe from this email list within 72 hours of receiving this email. Thank you!

Thank you all for being a part of our journey at Alethio! We’re looking forward to continuing to bring you insight and access to the Ethereum blockchain through Codefi Data. Please reach out to us at Codefi for any questions regarding the sunsetting of Alethio or how it may affect your current projects.

