A huge new feature in Parabola: “Superbar”!

Alex Couch
Alex Couch's portfolio
Mar 4, 2023

We just released an exciting new feature in Parabola called the builder toolbar, also known internally as “🍫 Superbar”. This is a big win for Parabola’s product design, so I wanted to share out a quick walkthrough I made of Parabola and this new toolbar.

Parabola—where I’ve been designing for a few years now—is a tool that let’s you spend less time in spreadsheets by giving you a better way to build and automate data workflows. It’s awesome! You can learn more about it at Parabola.io, or just a comment and let’s connect 👍.



Alex Couch
Alex Couch's portfolio

Product Designer in the SF Bay Area. Music fan, pizza eater, Medium reader. linkedin.com/in/alexcouch/