20 something hours

Aubrey House
Alex & Evie — All The Inbetween
7 min readNov 17, 2022
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Being awake for what was 20 something hours leaves you in a state close to delirium.

I’d been at work for 10 and spent a few hours making coffees for the lunch crowd and signing on the line for invoices and such. The life of a bar owner.

I left the bar at 1 and grabbed my suitcase which Evie had reminded me so kindly to pack the night before. Heathrow then a flight and hours of travelling to be at her door. Couldn’t come soon enough. It had been way too long since seeing her in the flesh. I didn’t think you could miss someone’s hand but I did………….a lot.

The airport was busy. Smalltalk in a bar to a waitress drinking a beer. Board my flight and settle down to water trashy film I could find. Maybe sleep. Maybe. But I couldn’t sleep. The droning plane noise never gets drowned out. It’s constant and for some calming. Economy class seats suit me fine. Another beer and a whiskey. Maybe sleep.

When the film finished I tried a playlist to kill time. Hendrix, Nas, some old country, some little known Japanese noise metal. Still no sleep.

“We will soon be landing in…………..” layovers did not matter one bit when you couldn’t leave the airport. So what difference did it make to me? I’d been awake all too long. My body is screaming that it’s time to sleep. My brain raced as I negotiated security and travellers and idiots. Find another bar Alex. Another beer and maybe sleep.

Flight wah wah wah wah is boarding now. That’s me time to move. Another plane another few hours. It was midnight for my body and brain but neither agreed to shut down for long enough. Sitting listening to passengers chat merrily. Alex, you’re a grumpy cunt when you travel. You are truly your father in some ways.

Finally we landed and I could move again. The spring in my step is back tired but back. Lack of sleep now telling as I look at my watch and realise it’s the early morning back home and I’m still going. I need to set this. Do it in the cab. My luggage seems to take an age to come through and my pacing and checking my phone doesnt help. Grab my case and head outside. Grab that damn cab and yawn and I tell the driver the address. I know the hour will feel longer than the whole damn flight………………………………………………………………

Then I’m here. At her door. The anticipation suddenly in my gut and I know she’s feet away from me. I knock same as always. I can hear her padding across the floor. If I could manage a countdown without stumbling through the letters through exhaustion I would. It must be 20 something hours by now.

There she is. Wearing yoga pants and a top that runs over her curves the way I want my hands to do so later. I don’t speak, just embrace the woman I spent all this time getting to. Knowing in a few days I’ll leave her and her body for a few more weeks without my touch.

That kiss. That soft sweet kiss. Those full sexy lips against mine send fire through me. My legs tired but now tense and all I want to do is walk her back to bed. But I can’t. I’m standing being locked in a kiss that bookends weeks or messaging and video chats. Her tongue against mine. Her hands clasped and held me up it feels. She pulls me inside and pushes the door shut. She didn’t say a single word as she led me to the sofa. I wanted to shut down but the fire in my stomach wouldn’t let me any more. The ache in my crotch growing as I hadn’t felt her body or smelled her perfume in what felt like an age. She pushed me onto the sofa and either she kept the room hot for a reason or my body started to heat up from the excitement of the next few days. This woman then stood before me and smiled the sexy smile that she kept on standby for me.

“Evie it’s been a long day I couldn’t sleep”

“Shut up” her words honest and delivered with that fucking smile and kick in her lips.

“We really don’t have to do anything Evie”

“I said shut up” with that I was no longer in control of what happened next. Evie stood over me with her tits before me. I wanted to reach up and pull her to me but her eyes said don’t do a damn thing. She moved closer and using her legs moved mine apart. She dropped to her knees in front of me and I leaned forward to kiss her but all she did was push me back onto the sofa. That damn smile again. I was weak for that smile. She could flash it to me from 100 feet and I’d smile back and know everything was going to be worth it.

Her hands moved up my thighs. Tired legs from hours of consciousness now being touched as she ran her hands up them. She pulled at my belt and I sighed. With a tug and movement the belt was undone and her fingers moved and twisted to undo my button fly. She pulled my jeans open with what looked like a hungry desire. In the blink of an eye she had pulled my cock from my boxers and was slowly rubbing. “Evie” “shhhhhhhhhhhh” the sound tailed off as she took the head of my cock in her mouth.

My dick was throbbing now. That ache was like a cramp in my remaining ball. She moved and kissed the base of my shaft soft tender kisses up the underside of my cock. Then her tongue ran round me and I felt the warmth of her mouth as she took it back into her mouth. This time taking more in between her lips. She bobbed slowly on my dick now and it felt right and like i wouldnt control what happened when I came. She started to move faster and put one hand on my stomach and one on my leg. It felt like she was holding me down as she knew I was going to cum and cum so damn hard. She was moaning into my cock now I closed my eyes to let my body just feel her touch. Opening them again to check I wasn’t dreaming and that every inch of my dick was in her mouth as she started to dribble down my cock. Her hair now hanging free and tousled around her face the sound of her sucking my hard shaft was too much and I let out a groan as her tongue pushed against the top and teased where soon enough I would release a torrent of cum into her welcoming mouth.

The smell of Evie coupled with the feeling of her mouth taking me all in was too much for me and I reached out and put a hand on her head. Instinctively I grabbed her hair as time after time she screamed “pull my hair” as I ploughed my cock into her from behind and on top and in every position she loved me doing that. As I tugged she moaned again. I knew that moan. She liked it and right then in that moment we both wanted exactly what we had. I could see her hips wiggling and knew she would be dripping wet and before long I would be pulling her soaked underwear from her pussy and tasting her as I made out with her pussy. But right now her sucking the tip of my cock was all I could really focus on. Every now and then she would push down and take my whole cock in her mouth and I’d hear her almost gag on my length. Fuck i needed this.

The tight feeling in my nuts was growing fast. It was hot and tense and I felt my body clench up from my stomach down. My cock was twitching and I tried to move her head but my muscles failed me as I felt my cum starting to course through me. Hot and tense and tight and firing off every single pleasure centre in my body. I couldn’t catch my breath as she didnt want to stop and I couldn’t move to make her. My hand on her head had enough control to only pull her hair hard enough so she would enjoy it my other digging into the sofa. I had my head tilted back and didn’t know if the stars I was seeing were from her mouth working me so perfectly or exhaustion but the pounding in my chest and dick were all from her.

“Oh fuck Eviee” how I managed to speak I dont know but i got those words out and couldnt say anything more. I think I moaned. I know I moaned as I shot cum into her mouth. I had no choice but to leave her to it. Bolt after bolt of cum. Evie was groaning into my lap and it felt like nothing else. I finally took a breath and watched as she lifted her head and her eyes looked straight at me. Her smile flecked with cum and spit and fuck she looked so good.

I leaned forward and kissed her as hard as I could. The taste of cum salty and fresh in her mouth. It was so right and made my dick twitch as I came down from on high.

“Lay down” her words commanding but fun. I turned and laid back as she stood up and took off her top exposing her breasts in a strappy bra. Her fingers then hooked into her waistband and she lowered her leggings down. No underwear, just a glistening soaked pussy. She swung her leg over me and sat on my lap. Her body is hot and wet and feeling so alive on my body. As she kissed me I could feel my body start to tingle again as my cock nestled against her wet lips.



Aubrey House
Alex & Evie — All The Inbetween

Sexy smutty stories. Its mostly two people doing what two people do. Erotic and fun and worth reading.