An Aching Inside-Please my pussy

Aubrey House
Alex & Evie — All The Inbetween
5 min readNov 14, 2022

She woke up before the alarm buzzed as the ache in her abdomen grew. “Fuck this and fuck being female” she muttered as she walked to the bathroom. Every single fucking month she felt the pain grow daily. She turned the shower on and waited for the steam to fill the room. She stepped into the spray and let it cover her, allowing the close to scalding water to take some of the pain away. The water ran down over her face and neck. Her nipples began to tingle as she rubbed her hands over her body. She was too caught in the moment to hear Alex footsteps entering the bathroom. For the first time in years a man was in her apartment and she had forgotten.

“Evie you ok” Alex called softly as he stepped into the room.

“Yeah fine just ya know that thing” she cautiously replied.

“In that case i’ll leave you be I guess” she heard his words and tone. He had arrived late the night before. 3 months Evie had been seeing Alex and this was the first time she had been on her period with him there. She thought I hope he’s not weird about this as she ran her hands back over her breasts. She stopped and realised how tight and hard her nipples had become. Why am I so fucking turned on when this comes on. “Babe” she called from behind the steamed up glass screen.

“Yes sexy” his english accent got to her, he was cocky and quick. He could talk filthy and sexy and every word got her pussy twitching. “Can you come join me in here please” she wasn’t sure what his reply would be. She didn’t hear a word but within moments she felt his hands slide round her waist and his kiss on her neck. “Here sexy” he whispered into her ear as lightly took her earlobe between his lips. Those lips do fucking wonders to my body she thought as he lightly pulled at her. Then the kisses on her neck and collar bone. “Alex” she sighed as he kissed her shoulders with his hands on resting on her stomach. “I ache during this time and well It’s shit and” her words tailed off as he kissed across her back. “Yes” he muttered between soft tender kisses of her warm wet skin. She turned her head enough to invite him to kiss her and he knew the move by now. He kissed her softly and her lips parted and her tongue slipped into his mouth.

She pulled away and turned kissing him again, now wrapped in each others arms she pulled away to speak “I hurt today” Evie thought about it before she spoke “I hurt today and it’s not great, but im always horny in ways you won’t ever get” she bite her lip knowing that look did things to him. “Im horny when im on my period and I want you to fuck me” he looked into her eyes and spoke “so lets take it slow and you lead me” she kissed him and whispered “GOOD”

Evie turned around and moved her ass towards him. He reached around her and placed his hands on her stomach as she put her hands against the shower screen. “Are you sure you want this Evie” she turned her head enough that he could see her full lips. “Yes i want you, just you and only you inside me now make me cum and make the ache fade away as I scream your fucking name” he leaned in close and said “tell me what to do”

She took one hand from the screen and grabbed his hand. Guiding it between her thighs she instructed him “slowly and carefully play with my clit. Turn me on like every time we fuck” His fingers found her clit with easy and he softly ran his fingers over it. Hot and swelling as he did it. HEr mouth wide open and breathing deep as his fingers moved in circles on her fuck button. He gasped into her ear as she grinded against his thick fat cock. It sat perfect against her curvy perfect ass. Her pussy hot and aroused as his fingers continued against her.

“Slowly and I mean slowly push a finger inside” he guided a finger into her tight pussy. His single digit felt so good inside her. He in turn could feel just how wet and turned on she was right now. He looked down and could see swirls of red in the water as it drained away. He didn’t care, this turned him on and he wanted this sexy american to climax exactly as she wanted. She could feel how turned on and ready she was. She took a breath, smiled and said “stop now and let me guide you into me” his hands moved back onto her hips as she reached down round and put one hand onto his dick. He dropped his knees slightly and she moved her ass and hips to help her place the top of his cock against her pussy lips. As she moved him into her he pushed carefully and felt his cock slip inside the tightest pussy he had ever felt.

“That ok” he asked softly “oh god yes” was all she said as she adjusted to his dick being in her. She pushed carefully and took a deep breath. She had wanted to fuck the pain away for years but never had the right partner to ask. This man was the one and he didnt think twice about pleasing her. All she could think was I want this guy to fuck me more. “I want you to carefully start to fuck me” he obliged and with slow strokes started to fuck her. She was moving her hips in rhythm with his and it felt so damn good the ache started to subside and she felt like she could go hard but held back. He could feel her pussy pulling him deeper and deeper and he loved how that happened every time they fucked.

The feeling that started in her groin and radiated through her came on quicker than normal. Her climax was coming on faster than she expected. “Im gonna come do not fucking stop fucking me” her words urgent and honest. He kept moving in time with her and he couldn’t hold on much longer. Each stroke felt intense and strong as his cum started to rise up before he would pump it deep into her. She felt the tightening in her starting and her breathing now deep and heavy “cum in me baby cum in meeeeee” she growled at him “fuck me fuck fuck fuck” she screamed as he felt his balls tense up and start to unload inside her.

“ALLEEEXXXX FUCKKKKKKKKK” “Shit Evie you feel so good right now” his cum now deep inside her as her pussy throbbed and clamped his cock in place.

Neither moved for a moment and she slowly moved and his cock slipped out. She turned and placed one hand on his freshly drained dick. “This is fucking magic” she stated as she stared into his eyes. “Now if you can be here to fuck me in a million ways in the shower once a month we are all good” he kissed her and held her close knowing this wouldnt be the only time he fucked her for this reason.

Evie’s mind was calm and clear and no ache was left, just a pussy full of his cum that slowly leaked down her legs as they kissed and let hands roam in the shower. Neither wanted to step out and they just let the water wash them as they came down from the orgasmic high.



Aubrey House
Alex & Evie — All The Inbetween

Sexy smutty stories. Its mostly two people doing what two people do. Erotic and fun and worth reading.