Evie — Kissed Better — A Diary Entry

Aubrey House
Alex & Evie — All The Inbetween
7 min readJan 18, 2023

It was a fucking shitty day. I’d worked all night in the hotel as I had the KPI to finish. My mind drifted the whole time to wanting to be at his and getting his key performance indicators noted down again.

But work was work and I could finish it easily. Nothing but a day of sniping and sighing and tutting at people who were not getting what had to improve. The office was open and the staff here didn’t like the American coming over and explaining how we did things.

But it was after 5 and time to leave. I knew I was going back to the hotel when I spent a week here working. Maybe 1 night of the 5. Being at his felt better and comfortable and like I was wanted, I knew I was wanted, He wanted me. I felt like a local when I went to his, not the American who was here to see things done right.

With him I was done right for the first time. The walk to his place was easy. Not that far and it was time to destress and calm down from the day. Maybe 20 mins from the office and I liked the exercise but I had a nagging feeling in me all day and couldn’t shift it. I hope the walk would do it. England did towns with trees and cute brick houses so well. So I walked. Out of my work pumps and into some old sneakers for the walk. I grabbed a coffee and got my walk on.

The same houses and roads made it all the easier. It took a week or two but I knew the route well enough now. Headphones in playlist on and walk. I’d be at his door in no time.

I knocked the same as always. He opened the door in moments.

“Hey sexy I’ve been waiting for you” fuck he was charming when he wanted to be. He smelled of nights twisted in his sheets and hours of working me out. I lifted my heels and kissed him softly. His hand found my ass as always, he loved my ass and my curves and I knew his touch would be coming. It always came. “I’ve had a long day. Please tell me you have no plans or work tonight” I must have mumbled as he just smiled at me. That sweet smile with a lip he wanted me to bite that he always told me to bite harder.

“No plans just a night in” was all he said and he walked into his kitchen. I kicked off my sneakers and followed him, having dumped my bag in the hall. He got himself some water and leaned against his table. He gestured to me to come over and sweetly said “ you look done for the day let me take your mind off of it all”

I walked to him bare feet on the cold floor. My work clothes felt restrictive compared to a guy standing in shorts and a baggy T-shirt. I stood against his 6 foot frame and rested my head on him. God he felt good against me and that smell. That smell got to my very core and I could feel my body’s mood shifting from irritated to calm.

He kissed me on the head and held me against him. I took a deep breath in and relaxed. Some days I wanted him to hold me all day just so his fragrance lingered. I always enjoyed the aroma of his bedroom after a night of him being deep in my pussy. My mind now moving from calm to sexy, Jesus he better fuck me later.

“Baby you want to eat, you want a drink” He asked politely, I didn’t know what I wanted at the moment but I didn’t want to speak just lean against him and let the day drift away. “ I need to eat” he said

I expected him to kiss me and then to glide round his kitchen whipping up something for us to eat while we watch trashy TV. He didn’t, what he did next blew my senses to bits after the day I had.

He grabbed my ass and in a moment span with me holding me and placed me on the kitchen table. He looked into my eyes and what was a sexy mood became nothing but charged with lust.

He placed his hands on my knees and moved my thighs apart as he pushed my skirt up my thighs. He loved my thighs and I could feel his hands sliding up them. He pulled me to the edge of the table and dropped to his knees between my legs.

I leaned back and rested my hands on the table and let him control my body for now. I could feel his breath on my skin and my pussy getting warmer and warmer by the second. His fingers on my inner thighs drove me fucking crazy every time and i was biting my own lip without knowing.

The next thing I felt was his lips on my underwear which by now was damp and all I wanted was for it to be gone and those lips to be on mine. I got exactly that. His fingers pulling the damp material to one side and his tongue running down my rapidly spreading slit. I felt his tongue move and found my clit and a series of soft tender flicks against it as it grew hotter and more puckered.

I moved my legs wider apart, inviting him to do more, and he did. I felt his lips on my clit sucking and pulling at it while his tongue moved my fuck button around and around. He loved to eat my pussy and I was happy to let him. His hands on my thighs as he teased and worked and played with my pussy. Tasting and enjoying it for the umpteenth time. He pushed his tongue inside me and sealed his mouth around me.

My pussy being enjoyed I could feel his tongue moving inside. I was tight and his tongue filled me so well as I felt my mouth falling open wider to moan louder. The butterflies in my stomach now flew wildly as he pushed deeper still. I was so fucking wet by then it was driving me crazy. He better fucking screw me after this.

My tits were squeezed into a bra and blouse and I managed and I don’t know how to unbutton them and let them feel the air in the room. I would have given anything to take it off and pinch my rock solid nipples right then but I did what I could as my body went crazy from being tongue fucked again. He had moved back to my clit now and was sucking and pulling harder on it to send rainbows through me.

“Alex don’t stop” I pushed those words out of me as moaning was easier. I felt his fingers move and then felt one finger move inside my pussy. His finger beckoned inside me and then he hit that spot. Oh and he hit that fucking spot.

I took an intake of breath and screamed as his tongue pushed against my clit and his finger hit my g spot. “Don’t fucking stop do not fucking stop” I grabbed his head and held it against me. I really fucking needed this. He sucked harder and I could feel a second finger now in my pussy too. I was going to cum and cum hard for him.

My body felt red hot and I wanted to be naked right there on his table. He started to moan into my pussy. That turned me to another level as I felt a familiar feeling inside.

“There right there stay there oh fuck yes yes yes I’m uuuhgghhh fuck yes” I felt the first clench in my pussy as the orgasm came ripping through me. My hand now pushing his head harder into my crotch. The next twitch came faster and felt like a glow filling my inside. I started to cum in his mouth. He deftly pulled his fingers out and placed his mouth over me as I squirted into his mouth.

Fuck I loved it when he got that to happen. He wasn’t going to stop and I wasn’t going to move him as I squirted again and again he didn’t move and took it all. He really did love my pussy. He kept on sucking and teasing me as I kept tensing and cumming in his face. My body was roasting hot on his table.

When he stopped I was breathing deep and hard and I just looked into his happy eyes as he bit his own lip and looked so damn pleased with himself. He stood up and kissed me softly, just lips as he raised his hands to hold my warm flushed face. My tongue now in his mouth I could taste myself and it might sound arrogant but damn i tasted good on him. We stopped and he looked at me and smiled “better now” was all he said.

“Yes I’m better now but we are not done” finally with my hands free I reached behind me and unhooked my bra. God it felt good to free my tits from it. He pulled me close and we kissed again. I knew he would be hard so I moved my knee against his shorts. He was so fucking hard and I wanted that dick in me.

So I laid back and showed him what I wanted. And the rest I’m keeping for those nights when I don’t have him around and I need something to get me cumming.



Aubrey House
Alex & Evie — All The Inbetween

Sexy smutty stories. Its mostly two people doing what two people do. Erotic and fun and worth reading.