Horny From The Night Before

Aubrey House
Alex & Evie — All The Inbetween
5 min readNov 15, 2022

Her Story

7am. Evies alarm sounded and the post play sleep was as sound as always. She liked passing out from the feeling and loved that he could do that to her without speaking or being with her. She read back over the last few messages he sent her and listened to a voice note of Alex explaining in great detail exactly how he would greet her in a couple weeks time.

She grabbed her phone and sent two words “thank you” to Alex. How he could do that to her body without touching her she still didn’t get, but the butterflies and body reactions told her what was happening and every time she couldn’t help but touch herself. Stepping out of bed she walked to the shower and set it running hot and steamy same as always. The scene of hours of sex but this morning she was on here own.

Checking the water was up to temp she ran her hand under the shower head. Not ready yet. She looked at herself in the mirror as it slowly misted up. “I look better after cumming” she said to herself and grabbing her phone she posed with one arm covering her breasts and snapped the picture of herself in the mirror. Send him that one as a wake up. She then moved and posed against the wall. One arm up to snap the pic and make sure my ass looks good. She looked at the two pictures. She decided to be a tease from the get go and only added five words “what do you want first”

She felt naughty and excited and knew Alex would love it. The tingling between her legs told her she had done the right thing.

Her horny brain in that moment got the better of her and she scampered back to the bedroom and grabbed her bullet. SHe walked back to the cubicle in her now steam filled bathroom. It was hot and calming and felt so good against her.

She let her whole body become warm and comfortable with the heat and she turned on the bullet and moved her hand between her legs. Pressing it softly against her clit she let the vibrations slowly move through her. “Fuck thats good” slipped out as she held it in place.

Her body eased into the sensation of something buzzing so much against her. She was new to this toy and it really was a feeling that she wasn’t quite used too. She thought of Alex’s fingers in its place and it made it something more. She found herself squeezing her tit softly.

The next two weeks cannot pass quickly enough was the only thought beyond ones of how she wanted to to be on all fours with him gripping her thighs as he fucked her or how she wanted to be laying on top of him sweating and screaming while they grind against each other.

As she moved her legs slightly wider her hand from her chest found its way to her pussy. The bullet now against her clit and one finger inside her feeling her soft hot and sensitive insides. She pushed harder against her throbbing clit. These bullets are fucking good she thought Ill get Alex to use this somehow while he fucks me.

The next thing she knew she was moaning “ohhh fuuuckkk as she came over her fingers. Evie let the climax subside before bringing her fingers to her lips and licking them clean. I know why he likes my pussy so much. With a sigh she placed the bullet on the shelf with shampoo and soap and knew she would do that again. Hopefully with company. I’m going to tell him all about this tonight. Maybe show him. The shower felt even better than normal but not as good as when he would soap her up and pull her close to kiss her hard.

She really couldn’t wait two more weeks to be under/over/beside him again. But she would tell him that later.

His Story

12pm. He woke to a very sweet message from Evie saying thank you for last night. He had been working all night but whenever he could send her line after line of what he missed and wanted to do to her in two weeks. He even found time to leave a message giving great detail about how he planned to devour her pussy while she sat in his kitchen.

When he thought of seeing her the same slowly spreading broad smile grew on his face. She got his needs and he got hers. It was simple and it worked. We meet, we laugh, we do we want to each other and we part. But right now he missed her.

He walked naked as the day he was born to his bathroom and that’s when his phone beeped. He walked back to his room and checked.

Two pictures. Evie hiding her perfect breasts and over of Evies ass looking as good as it always did. From the first time they fucked he admitted to loving her ass and she was into it. He loved her curves and two pictures that early in the day brought a smile to his face. Then he read the message “what do I want first????? Oh Evie you know what I want every time” he placed his phone on the side and pulled the shower door. He pushed the shower on and went back to his phone.

“Jesus she has a fucking sexy ass” he laughed to himself as he noticed the site of her naked ass had his cock twitching. Only one thing for it and he stepped into the scalding hot shower to wash off the sweat and stale booze from a busy night of bartending. He let his whole body get wet and warm and then reached for his now semi hard dick.

Slowly he started to rub his cock as it continued to swell and grow. Carefully he stroked his cock and enjoyed it fully. Head back and eyes closed as he thought back to the first time he met Evie and she made him cum so easily as he played with her pussy. Then to how he enjoyed tasting her cum when he went down on her.

He was rock hard and could feel his heart rate rising as he wanked faster and faster. He could feel the tightness before he would come and braced himself against the wall with his free hand. The shower now at full blast on the back of his neck as he started to cum hard and fast.

He let his cock finish dripping cum around his feet and enjoyed the feeling of cumming just like always. He finished up and dried off and once in fresh boxers he sat on his bed and looked at the two pictures again. He laughed to himself and pressed the icon for a voice note

“What do I want first? Haha well first I'll pull you close then………………………………” his words are filthy and obscene and rude and he knew they would drive her wild. But that was something that they could talk about that night.



Aubrey House
Alex & Evie — All The Inbetween

Sexy smutty stories. Its mostly two people doing what two people do. Erotic and fun and worth reading.