Blogging vs. Writing On Medium

Alex Tucker
Alex Tucker Digital
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1 min readAug 2, 2020

Which is best for YOU?

That’s the question my latest article seeks to answer. If you’re a Medium writer, would you be better off having your own blog instead/as well? Or if you have a blog, should you be focusing more energy on Medium?

In this article I weigh the pros and cons of each platform that I’ve observed over almost a year of using both of them. I break down my income from each platform, as well as the average income that can be earned by most people.

Overall, Blogging vs. Writing On Medium is a pretty quick read with a ton of information packed into it. I hope you find it helpful!

Take care — talk soon.

Alex Tucker.



Alex Tucker
Alex Tucker Digital

Finding passion amidst the pain, creating content for your brain. — my posts may contain affiliate/referral links.