The 5 Best Passive Income Ideas for Developers in 2022

Alex Walling
Alex Walling
Published in
6 min readNov 15, 2021


As we approach the end of 2021 and move into 2022 [which is extremely hard to believe…], this is the time of year where I always try to kickstart planning my goals for the next year. With how busy the holiday season can be, it is never a bad idea to get out ahead of your planning.

Like many of you, one of my biggest goals is to set up as much passive income for myself as possible. It is any millennial’s dream. Put in the work upfront, reap the benefits for a lifetime. With this in mind, increasing revenue for my existing passive income streams and creating new ones is one of my main goals for 2022. I am positive this is also a goal for many of you.

What is not so easy though is thinking of the right ideas to invest your time [and potentially money] in, to establish your new passive income.

I know it might seem scary at first, but once you come up with a few good ideas and put in the work to make them happen, it is one of the most exciting and rewarding things you could ever do! I have also found that once you set up one passive income stream, the next few will be a lot easier as you discover your own tips and tricks for success.

While you do this, it is important to keep your own unique skillset in mind when making these decisions on where to invest. So here are a few passive…

