Request & Response Interceptors

What they are and why to use them

Tom Berwick
Alexa Skills Dev
3 min readDec 3, 2019


Photo by Vishu Gowda on Unsplash — because Jets intercept things

I mentioned in one of my previous posts the use of requestInterceptors and responseInterceptors as a way to help manage your storage attributes. Today we’re going to take a deeper dive into this and how it can help your development flow.

So first of all I hope the names of these two handlers are actually pretty clear. The requestInterceptor intercepts every request made to your skill before it hits a handler and the responseInterceptor intercepts every response your skill is going to send prior to being sent.

This means you can run common code on every request and every response.

Both the requestInterceptor and responseInterceptor should have a function process(handlerInput) So like your intentHandlers canHandle and handle functions, process has access to the handlerInput variable and so can access the current request, attributesManager etc.

The benefit of this is that in your requestInterceptor you can now merge persistentAttributes with your sessionAttributes without having to do it in every intentHandler, and thus follow the DRY principles. A sample requestInterceptor might look like this.

All we’re really doing here through lines 4–9 is getting the current sessionAttributes then getting the current persistentAttributes and using Object.assign() to merge both objects into the sessionAttributes and finally on line 9 calling setSessionAttributes to make sure they are saved to the current sessionAttributes . Object.assign uses the order of objects passed in when merging the objects, so later objects will overwrite any existing properties of the same name. In this case, if we had and the value of would take priority as it comes last in the Object.merge function. This is what we would most likely want, with sessionAttributes probably being more fresh than our persistentAttributes.

ResponseInterceptors are useful in the opposite way. After any of your code has run, you can then save all your sessionAttributes back into persistentAttributes to make sure they’re stored across sessions.

As you can see, this is very similar to our requestInterceptor the only difference really being on lines 12 and 13, where we set our persistentAttributes equal to the result of the Object.assign and then save it back to the persistent storage.

Finally we then make sure we return the handlerInput.getResponse() call.

You will notice I’ve marked both the process methods as async this is because I make use of async/await when saving and getting the persistent attributes. You could of course use apromise here, but I like the async/await syntax.

Finally to make sure your requestInterceptor and responseInterceptor actually run, you need to add them to your lambda exports. This can be done like follows:

exports.handler = Alexa.SkillBuilders.custom(). .addRequestInterceptors(RequestInterceptor).addResponseInterceptors(ResponseInterceptor).lambda();

Once again, feel free to join my new Facebook group around Alexa Skills Dev to ask any questions and share any skills you might want feedback with. Or if you want a tutorial on a particular subject of Alexa Skills development, let me know.
Thanks for reading.



Tom Berwick
Alexa Skills Dev

Mobile App, game and full stack developer. Constantly trying to learn new things and dabble in growth hacking