A Lot

Alexandra Santos
Published in
1 min readSep 26, 2017

I swear I can’t make up my mind

whether loving you

was the best

or worst thing that ever happened to me


you often make me cry

and i’m not sure if that’s ok

and i know sometimes i get too mad about it

and you say i’m too moody

but i think it’s your fault

i wasn’t like this before you came

and every time i cry you say you only wanted me to smile

and i get lost in the thought of you

loving me more than you possibly can

more than i love you

which i’m not sure if it’s a lot or a little

but i get lost in the thought of you

and i know i’m in love with you

but i’m scared that i fell in love with the things i pictured you doing

not the things you actually did

i think that’s why i cry a lot



Alexandra Santos

Writing is one of the few things I think I’m good at that genuinely makes my soul happy, almost like it is my purpose in life.