Let the poison leave your body

Alexandra Santos
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017

Let it be over, let the poison leave your body. Let the distance come in between you. Let yourself feel the distance. Don’t go back because you’re lonely, don’t go back because you miss the way they made you feel. Don’t forget that for every smile there were ten tears. You loved, you gave them your best and you still ended up hurt and isn’t it amazing that you knew that it would end this way ?! It’s ok, don’t blame yourself for being hopeful, for expecting the best, for being positive. But now, don’t let the hurt condemn you. Don’t let the lonely hours convince you that they were right, that, in fact, you were too much… Too nice, to clingy, too annoying, too loud, too happy, too loving, too sad.

Let yourself be sad, it hurts I know… But it will fade, eventually, I promise. I know you already cried so much but I promise none of this will hurt as much as being in a relationship where you’re the only one putting in effort. The only one sided relationship you should be working on is one with yourself.

I know some nights you will lay on your bed and remember that it wasn’t all bad… Be thankful for that. You don’t have to hate them, they were your happiness at some point but don’t give them the power to destroy you because of that. I know you will get the unexpected urge to check up on them, to call them but give it time, please… Give yourself time to heal and then you can call them with a healthy heart, without any expectations of getting close again, and ask them how they’re doing.

I know babe, it’s unfair but God, believe me, so much good is going to come your way… Just hold on, just bare with me a little longer, you’ll be fine.



Alexandra Santos

Writing is one of the few things I think I’m good at that genuinely makes my soul happy, almost like it is my purpose in life.