How do you take your Wicca?

Sharon Day
Alexandrian Witch
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2018

Either White or Dark, but please — with only one ‘Blessed Be’!

We were in a London Black Cab on the way to Floris, the oldest bespoke perfumery in England when I was reading out a terse text exchange between a Priest and myself about goodness knows what but it seemed important at the time.

Blessed Be, [snark] Blessed Be x;

Blessed Be, [swipe] BBx;

Blessed Be, [zing] Blessed Be x

Argh, stop with the Blessed Be’s Sharon, what is all this Blessed Be, Blessed Be? my exasperated teacher interjected.

Well, isn’t this Alexandrian; what you and Alex taught? I asked, slightly confused as this teaching had been drilled into me.

Time passed. The text messages flowed in from a lovely Portuguese Priest in the kindest tone even for the most mundane of conversation, each one closed with:

Much love and Blessed Be,

to the point that it became farcical and impeded the flow of any meaningful dialogue.

Eventually, my frustrated fingers took pity on both the Priest and myself as I texted back that there was no need for all this stiff formality, a Blessed Be at the beginning and/or perhaps a BB at the end is sufficient — go with the flow.

Overuse brings dilution. Dilution diminishes potency. Diminished potency brings ineffectiveness.

I recall my teacher telling me how even to this day whenever she writes Blessed Be she does so with meaning and intent, reciting in her mind the Five Points of Fellowship as she types.

