Wiccan Common Enemy: Fascination and the ‘Fertility Cult’ excuse used by a Sexual Predator.

Sharon Day
Alexandrian Witch
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2017

To Wiccans Worldwide — how about taking a momentary break from the verbal fisticuffs, unjustified trolling, and mud-slanging to focus on an issue that is perpetually plaguing the global Wiccan community.

We know the scene: brand-new Seeker, usually female, searches out the ‘Love-and-Light, Harm-None, Three-Fold Law of Return’ world of Wicca and is drawn to or happenstances upon a member of the Priesthood, often a ‘High Priesthood’ or initiate of guru-equivalent status, who oozes wisdom, charm, and charisma — well, maybe not in reality, but they do to the Seeker in their Fascinated blinding desire to learn about the Craft and be enveloped in the oft-quoted Wiccan argot ‘Perfect Love and Perfect Trust’.

The guru-equivalent insists that some sort of sexual activity between them is necessary in order to join or follow this Fertility Cult, anything from ‘take your clothes off here and now’ to full-blown multiple sex sessions — as happened (maybe still does) with one chap in Brazil, under the guise of ‘ascertaining whether the Seeker is sufficiently ‘worthy’ of initiation’.

By the time the veil of ‘wisdom’ is dissolved exposing the guru-equivalent’s charmed horniness and leaving the Seeker recoiling from the stench of halitosis, all that remains is the Seeker’s shattered dignity and a well-spring of humiliation. Worse, is when a certain contingent of the Wiccan community sides with said ‘guru’ to vilify and blame the victim — but that is for another discussion.

Reporting any form of sexual abuse to the police in just about any jurisdiction and securing a custodial sentence can be a road fraught with emotional devastation; more so when terms like ‘witchcraft’ and the like are injected into the mix.

There is, however, the avenue of speaking with a sympathetic unit of the Police whose aim is both to educate the police dealing with any reports of sexual abuse from the Pagan community and to advise the victims about their legal options — this organisation is the Police Pagan Association.

Back to the guru-equivalent. A stark reminder of this pariah smacked me at a High Street cafe recently whilst listening to yet another Seeker describe the sordid details of a certain Alexandrian High Priest known for his decades of compulsive lying, sewer language, vile-strewn online personal attacks; and worst of all, his sexual predatory behaviour. Frankly, it’s no wonder the Seeker kept referencing his halitosis as nothing good ever seems to come out of his mouth.

Sadly, his pattern is well-ingrained in the fabric of the British Wiccan community as he has been around since the ‘70’s and even relative newcomers to the occult scene soon become acquianted with his name and sullied reputation.

Here’s the trigger for my targeting him though. This Seeker’s recounting was one too many times that I’ve found myself the nexus point for victims of one or more of his abuses citing the common thread of:

‘I didn’t feel I could approach Maxine because he makes out how close and what good friends they are.’

Well, one thing I can say about Maxine in the time I’ve known her is that she despises anyone using their relationship with her, even if it is only a relatively remote one, as a Robe of Concealment for any kind of abuse or furtherance of their own agenda.

Hence, I shall at this point link the reader directly to her views on this matter:-

Sharon Day

