USA’s Favorite Travel Destination

Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2016

In 2014, there was a 11% increase on the number of Americans who traveled abroad. Here are some of the countries that Americans traveled to during the last five years.

1. Mexico

In the past 3 years, 25.8 million Americans have traveled to Mexico. The most popular destination being Cancun, Americans visit their southern neighbor for the warm weather, food, the world famous tequila, dance bars and beaches.

2. Canada

6.9 million Americans also visited Canada in the last year. Canada is a great destination to see ice caped mountains, to go skiing, ice fishing and for the world famous maple syrup. The Niagara Falls in the Canadian side is also a must see place for Americans. The affordability here is also very appealing to the Americans.

3. United Kingdom

In the last few years 2.8 million Americans have visited the United Kingdom. Some of the most popular destinations in the UK include Birmingham Palace, Kezington Avenue, Big Ben, the London eye, Wales and the castles of Scotland. The food and the cultures in the UK is also a great reason to travel to the nation.

4. Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic, also known as the undisputed Caribbean king of tourism is a great destination for vacation seeking Americans. The white pristine beaches are great to relax next to, surf, paraglide and see. It is also very affordable, easily accessible, a great place for a honeymoon or a party.

5. France

France has a great relationship with the USA and travelling for the Americans is relatively easier when going to France. Tourists also enjoy visiting the Eiffel tower, the Louvre and shopping in the Right Bank.

Which one of these popular destinations have you traveled to or want to visit?




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